-*- outline -*-
New in 1.1.1
* Fix a bug in assimp loading procedure.
New in 1.1.0
* Fix uninitialized closest points in capsulePlaneIntersect.
* Refactor sphereTriangleIntersect.
* Initialize closest points to nan value in distance query
* Add Converter from AABB to OBBRSS.
* Add node type as attribute of MeshLoader.
* Simplify box - sphere distance computation.
* Implement GJKSolver_indep::shapeIntersect for sphere - box
* Fix MeshShapeCollisionTraversalNodeOBB.
* Add missing include guard in fwd.hh/

New in 1.0.2
* A lot of cleaning among functions that were not used
  - broadphase has been removed,
  - cost and cost source have been removed,

* CollisionRequest is passed to low level functions in order to unify
    - the calling function tree among the various possible options,

* Collision test triangle - triangle
  - in GJK, a detection of loop that made the algorithm fail to detect
    collision has been removed,
  - collision and distance computation between triangles in
    MeshCollisionTraversalNode::leafTesting now uses GJK
  - a test on triangle - triangle interaction has been added optimality of
    closest points is check using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions.

New in 1.0.1
* Fix octomap version handling,
  - add flags related to Octomap in pkg-config file.