Dependencies: ============ - Boost (thread, date_time, unit_test_framework, filesystem) - libccd (available at - octomap (optional dependency, available at Boost and libccd are mandatory dependencies. If octomap is not found, collision detection with octrees will not be possible. For installation, CMake will also be needed ( Install: ======= * Linux / Mac OS: The CMakeLists.txt can be used to generate makefiles; For example, one may use operations such as: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -jN # N is the maximum number of parallel compile jobs Once the compilation is finished, make install will install the project. To specify the installation prefix, pass the parameter -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/prefix/ to the "cmake .." command above. * Visual Studio: The CMakeLists.txt can be used to generate a Visual Studio project, using the cmake build tool.