# Graphical Interface for Pinocchio and hpp [](https://travis-ci.org/gepetto/gepetto-viewer) [](https://gitlab.laas.fr/gepetto/gepetto-viewer/commits/master) [](https://gepettoweb.laas.fr/doc/gepetto/gepetto-viewer/master/coverage/) [](https://github.com/psf/black) [](https://results.pre-commit.ci/latest/github/gepetto/gepetto-viewer) ## Setup Conda Environment To try this package in an [conda](https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#creating-an-environment-with-commands) environment without compiling: ```sh conda install gepetto-viewer gepetto-viewer-corba -c conda-forge ``` After installation, you can launch the viewer from a terminal with: ```sh gepetto-gui ``` ## Compilation Instructions To compile this package, it is recommended to create a separate build directory: ```sh mkdir _build && cd _build cmake [OPTIONS] .. make install ``` Please note that CMake produces a `CMakeCache.txt` file which should be deleted to reconfigure a package from scratch. ## Dependencies The Graphical Interface software depends on several packages which have to be available on your machine. - Libraries: - Qt 4 or 5 - openscenegraph (version >= 3.2.0) - System tools: - CMake (>=2.6) - pkg-config - usual compilation tools (GCC/G++, make, etc.) ## Optional dependencies - [PythonQt]: add a Python scripting interface to gepetto-viewer. The dependency can be made mandatory with CMake variable `GEPETTO_GUI_HAS_PYTHONQT`. When [PythonQt] is available: - [QGV]: for the bindings of QGV in the Python interface. The dependency can be made mandatory with CMake variable `BUILD_PY_QGV`. - [QCustomPlot]: for the bindings of QCustomPlot in the Python interface. The dependency can be made mandatory with CMake variable `BUILD_PY_QCUSTOM_PLOT`. ## Environment variables and plugins When launching gepetto-gui the program tries to load the plugin omniorbserver.so. In order to specify the default path of the plugins, the variable `GEPETTO_GUI_PLUGIN_DIRS` can be set using the following command: ```sh export GEPETTO_GUI_PLUGIN_DIRS=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ``` [PythonQt]: https://github.com/gepetto/pythonqt [QGV]: https://github.com/gepetto/qgv [QCustomPlot]: https://www.qcustomplot.com/