diff --git a/include/gepetto/gui/meta.hh b/include/gepetto/gui/meta.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index b014a41e286106673451de6bc905084d1ef415e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/include/gepetto/gui/meta.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015-2018, LAAS-CNRS
-// Authors: Joseph Mirabel (joseph.mirabel@laas.fr)
-// This file is part of gepetto-viewer-corba.
-// gepetto-viewer-corba is free software: you can redistribute it
-// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
-// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// gepetto-viewer-corba is distributed in the hope that it will be
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
-// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
-// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
-// gepetto-viewer-corba. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QString>
-namespace gepetto {
-  namespace gui {
-    template <typename T> struct convertTo {
-      static inline       T& from (      T& t) { return t; }
-      static inline const T& from (const T& t) { return t; }
-    };
-    template <> struct convertTo<std::string> {
-      static inline std::string from (const QString& in) { return in.toStdString(); };
-    };
-    template <typename T> struct Traits;
-    template <> struct Traits <CORBA::String_var> {
-      typedef CORBA::String_var type;
-      static inline type from (const QString& s) { return (const char*)s.toLocal8Bit().data(); }
-      static inline type from (const std::string& s) { return s.c_str(); }
-    };
-    template <> struct Traits <QString> {
-      typedef CORBA::String_var CORBA_t;
-      static inline CORBA_t to_corba (const QString& s) { return (const char*)s.toLocal8Bit().data(); }
-    };
-    template <typename In, typename Out, std::size_t Size>
-    inline void convertSequence (const In* in, Out (&out)[Size]) {
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) out[i] = (Out)in[i];
-    }
-    template <typename In, typename Out>
-    inline void convertSequence (const In* in, Out* out, const std::size_t& s) {
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) out[i] = (Out)in[i];
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/include/gepetto/gui/windows-manager.hh b/include/gepetto/gui/windows-manager.hh
index 0870fb5f3417c915a9235a4e9a64340f7cfd0e25..c55fa66dc1c8aa1456abcdb47112cca6a83f08d8 100644
--- a/include/gepetto/gui/windows-manager.hh
+++ b/include/gepetto/gui/windows-manager.hh
@@ -20,23 +20,12 @@
 #include <gepetto/gui/fwd.hh>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/corba/windows-manager.hh>
-#include <gepetto/gui/meta.hh>
 #include <QColor>
 #include <QObject>
 #include <QVector3D>
 namespace gepetto {
   namespace gui {
-    template <> struct convertTo<graphics::WindowsManager::Color_t> {
-      typedef graphics::WindowsManager::Color_t T;
-      typedef typename T::value_type v_t;
-      static inline T from (const QColor& in) {
-        T v((v_t)in.redF(), (v_t)in.greenF(), (v_t)in.blueF(), (v_t)in.alphaF());
-        // in.getRgbF(&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]);
-        return v;
-      }
-    };
     class WindowsManager : public QObject, public graphics::WindowsManager
diff --git a/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/se3.hh b/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/se3.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 41019809e748e3c3c01d8ac12f52a62330d6432f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/se3.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015-2018, LAAS-CNRS
-// Authors: Joseph Mirabel (joseph.mirabel@laas.fr)
-// This file is part of gepetto-viewer-corba.
-// gepetto-viewer-corba is free software: you can redistribute it
-// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
-// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// gepetto-viewer-corba is distributed in the hope that it will be
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
-// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
-// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
-// gepetto-viewer-corba. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#ifndef __se3_se3_hpp__
-#define __se3_se3_hpp__
-#include <Eigen/Geometry>
-namespace se3
-/* Type returned by the "se3Action" and "se3ActionInverse" functions. */
-namespace internal
-template<typename D>
-struct ActionReturn { typedef D Type; };
-/** The rigid transform aMb can be seen in two ways:
-* - given a point p expressed in frame B by its coordinate vector Bp, aMb
-* computes its coordinates in frame A by Ap = aMb Bp.
-* - aMb displaces a solid S centered at frame A into the solid centered in
-* B. In particular, the origin of A is displaced at the origin of B: $^aM_b
-* ^aA = ^aB$.
-* The rigid displacement is stored as a rotation matrix and translation vector by:
-* aMb (x) = aRb*x + aAB
-* where aAB is the vector from origin A to origin B expressed in coordinates A.
-template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
-class SE3Tpl
-typedef _Scalar Scalar;
-enum { Options = _Options };
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,1,Options> Vector3;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,1,Options> Vector4;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,3,Options> Matrix3;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1,Options> Vector6;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4,Options> Matrix4;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,6,Options> Matrix6;
-typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Options> Quaternion;
-//typedef MotionTpl<Scalar,Options> Motion;
-//typedef ForceTpl<Scalar,Options> Force;
-//typedef ActionTpl<Scalar,Options> Action;
-enum { LINEAR = 0, ANGULAR = 3 };
-// Constructors
-SE3Tpl() : rot(), trans() {}
-template<typename M3,typename v3>
-SE3Tpl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<M3> & R, const Eigen::MatrixBase<v3> & p)
-: rot(R), trans(p) {}
-SE3Tpl(int) : rot(Matrix3::Identity()), trans(Vector3::Zero()) {}
-template<typename S2, int O2>
-SE3Tpl( const SE3Tpl<S2,O2> clone )
-: rot(clone.rotation()),trans(clone.translation()) {}
-template<typename S2, int O2>
-SE3Tpl & operator= (const SE3Tpl<S2,O2> & other)
-rot = other.rotation ();
-trans = other.translation ();
-return *this;
-const Matrix3 & rotation() const { return rot; }
-const Vector3 & translation() const { return trans; }
-Matrix3 & rotation() { return rot; }
-Vector3 & translation() { return trans; }
-void rotation(const Matrix3 & R) { rot=R; }
-void translation(const Vector3 & p) { trans=p; }
-static SE3Tpl Identity()
-return SE3Tpl(1);
-static SE3Tpl Random()
-Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Options> q(Vector4::Random());
-return SE3Tpl(q.matrix(),Vector3::Random());
-Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4,Options> toHomogeneousMatrix() const
-Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4,Options> M;
-M.template block<3,3>(0,0) = rot;
-M.template block<3,1>(0,3) = trans;
-M.template block<1,3>(3,0).setZero();
-M(3,3) = 1;
-return M;
-/// Vb.toVector() = bXa.toMatrix() * Va.toVector()
-Matrix6 toActionMatrix() const
-Matrix6 M;
-M.template block<3,3>(ANGULAR,ANGULAR)
-= M.template block<3,3>(LINEAR,LINEAR) = rot;
-M.template block<3,3>(ANGULAR,LINEAR).setZero();
-M.template block<3,3>(LINEAR,ANGULAR)
-= skew(trans) * M.template block<3,3>(ANGULAR,ANGULAR);
-return M;
-/// aXb = bXa.inverse()
-SE3Tpl inverse() const
-return SE3Tpl(rot.transpose(), -rot.transpose()*trans);
-void disp(std::ostream & os) const
-os << " R =\n" << rot << std::endl
-<< " p =\n" << trans.transpose() << std::endl;
-/* --- GROUP ACTIONS ON M6, F6 and I6 --- */
-/// ay = aXb.act(by)
-template<typename D> typename internal::ActionReturn<D>::Type act (const D & d) const
-{ return d.se3Action(*this); }
-/// by = aXb.actInv(ay)
-template<typename D> typename internal::ActionReturn<D>::Type actInv(const D & d) const
-{ return d.se3ActionInverse(*this); }
-Vector3 act (const Vector3& p) const { return (rot*p+trans).eval(); }
-Vector3 actInv(const Vector3& p) const { return (rot.transpose()*(p-trans)).eval(); }
-SE3Tpl act (const SE3Tpl& m2) const { return SE3Tpl( rot*m2.rot,trans+rot*m2.trans);}
-SE3Tpl actInv (const SE3Tpl& m2) const { return SE3Tpl( rot.transpose()*m2.rot,
-/* --- OPERATORS -------------------------------------------------------- */
-operator Matrix4() const { return toHomogeneousMatrix(); }
-operator Matrix6() const { return toActionMatrix(); }
-SE3Tpl operator*(const SE3Tpl & m2) const { return this->act(m2); }
-friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os,const SE3Tpl & X)
-{ X.disp(os); return os; }
-Matrix3 rot;
-Vector3 trans;
-typedef SE3Tpl<float,0> SE3;
-} // namespace se3
-#endif // ifndef __se3_se3_hpp__
diff --git a/src/client-cpp.cc b/src/client-cpp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 721c8232ab32c7872c82681d9f734790a16692a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/client-cpp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-//  client-cpp.cc
-//  C++ CORBA client interface for SceneViewer.
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert in December 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include <gepetto/viewer/corba/client.hh>
-namespace graphics { 
-namespace corbaServer {
-void ClientCpp::se3ToCorba(CORBA::Float* corbaPosition, const se3::SE3& se3position)
-    Eigen::Quaternion<value_type> q(se3position.rotation());
-    corbaPosition[0] = se3position.translation()(0);
-    corbaPosition[1] = se3position.translation()(1);
-    corbaPosition[2] = se3position.translation()(2);    
-    corbaPosition[3] = q.w();
-    corbaPosition[4] = q.x();
-    corbaPosition[5] = q.y();
-    corbaPosition[6] = q.z();        
-    int    argc=0;       // Dummy variables to support following call.
-    char** argv=0;
-    orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);
-    // Get a reference to the Naming Service
-    CORBA::Object_var rootContextObj = 
-        orb_->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
-    CosNaming::NamingContext_var nc =
-	CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(rootContextObj.in());
-    CosNaming::Name name;
-    name.length(2);
-    name[0].id = (const char *) "gepetto";
-    name[0].kind = (const char *) "viewer";
-    name[1].id = (const char *) "corbaserver";
-    name[1].kind = (const char *) "gui";
-    // Invoke the root context to retrieve the object reference
-    CORBA::Object_var managerObj = nc->resolve(name);
-    // Narrow the previous object to obtain the correct type
-    manager_ =
-      gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::_narrow(managerObj.in());
-    //manager_->shutdown();
-    if (!CORBA::is_nil(orb_)) {
-	try {
-	    orb_->destroy();
-	    std::cout << "Ending CORBA..." << std::endl;
-	} catch(const CORBA::Exception& e) {
-	    std::cout << "orb->destroy failed" << std::endl;
-	}
-    }
-void ClientCpp::getNodeList()
-   manager_->getNodeList();
-void ClientCpp::getWindowList()
-   manager_->getWindowList();
-bool ClientCpp::setRate(int  rate)
-   return manager_->setRate(rate);
-void ClientCpp::refresh()
-    manager_->refresh();
-ClientCpp::WindowID ClientCpp::createWindow(const char* windowName)
-    return manager_->createWindow(windowName);
-    //void ClientCpp::createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
-void ClientCpp::createScene(const char* sceneName)
-  manager_->createScene(sceneName);
-void ClientCpp::createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneName)
-  manager_->createSceneWithFloor(sceneName);
-bool ClientCpp::addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneName, const ClientCpp::WindowID windowId)
-   return  manager_->addSceneToWindow(sceneName, windowId);
-/*bool ClientCpp::addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3)
-    return manager_->addBox(boxName, boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3);
-bool ClientCpp::addBox(const char* boxName, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addBox(boxName, boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3, color);
-/*bool ClientCpp::addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCapsule(capsuleName, radius, height);
-bool ClientCpp::addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, const float radius, const float height, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addCapsule(capsuleName, radius, height, color);
-bool ClientCpp::addMesh(const char* meshName, const char* meshPath)
-    return manager_->addMesh(meshName, meshPath);
-/*bool ClientCpp::addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCone(coneName, radius, height);
-bool ClientCpp::addCone(const char* coneName, const float radius, const float height, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addCone(coneName, radius, height, color);
-/*bool ClientCpp::addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCylinder(cylinderName, radius, height);
-bool ClientCpp::addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, const float radius, const float height, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addCylinder(cylinderName, radius, height, color);
-/*bool ClientCpp::addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius)
-    return manager_->addSphere(sphereName, radius);
-bool ClientCpp::addSphere(const char* sphereName, const float radius, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addSphere(sphereName, radius, color);
-bool ClientCpp::addLine(const char* lineName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addLine(lineName, pos1, pos2, color);
-bool ClientCpp::addTriangleFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addTriangleFace(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, color);
-bool ClientCpp::addSquareFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* pos4, const value_type* color)
-    return manager_->addSquareFace(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, color);
-bool ClientCpp::addURDF(const char* urdfName, const char* urdfPath, const char* urdfPackagePath)
-    return manager_->addURDF(urdfName, urdfPath, urdfPackagePath);
-bool ClientCpp::createGroup(const char* groupName)
-    return manager_->createGroup(groupName);
-bool ClientCpp::addToGroup(const char* nodeName, const char* groupName)
-    return manager_->addToGroup(nodeName, groupName);
-bool ClientCpp::applyConfiguration(const char* nodeName, const se3::SE3& se3position)
-    CORBA::Float corbaPosition[7];
-    ClientCpp::se3ToCorba(corbaPosition, se3position);
-    return manager_->applyConfiguration(nodeName, corbaPosition);
-bool ClientCpp::setVisibility(const char* nodeName, const char* visibilityMode)
-    return manager_->setVisibility(nodeName, visibilityMode);
-bool ClientCpp::setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeName, const char* wireFrameMode)
-    return manager_->setWireFrameMode(nodeName, wireFrameMode);
-bool ClientCpp::setLightingMode(const char* nodeName, const char* lightingMode)
-    return manager_->setLightingMode(nodeName, lightingMode);
-bool ClientCpp::startCapture (const WindowID windowId, const char* filename, const char* extension)
-  return manager_->startCapture (windowId, filename, extension);
-bool ClientCpp::stopCapture (const WindowID windowId)
-  return manager_->stopCapture (windowId);
-bool ClientCpp::writeNodeFile (const WindowID windowId, const char* filename)
-  return manager_->writeWindowFile (windowId, filename);
-} // end of namespace corbaserver
-} // end of namespace graphics
diff --git a/src/gui/bodytreewidget.cc b/src/gui/bodytreewidget.cc
index 785f4f18d27093fd677684ebb1d5e3ac968a9cc8..f68913c0644d65a2ef4dcbd5a19f7f7624a671b5 100644
--- a/src/gui/bodytreewidget.cc
+++ b/src/gui/bodytreewidget.cc
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include <gepetto/gui/mainwindow.hh>
 #include <gepetto/gui/windows-manager.hh>
 #include <gepetto/gui/osgwidget.hh>
-#include <gepetto/gui/meta.hh>
 #include <gepetto/gui/selection-event.hh>
 #include <gepetto/gui/node-action.hh>
diff --git a/src/gui/mainwindow.cc b/src/gui/mainwindow.cc
index 145248f9d5ff8941d8f5801ad9be6f5b0e05bf82..19fdd855de3b1e123d01e74e5e0676812729488f 100644
--- a/src/gui/mainwindow.cc
+++ b/src/gui/mainwindow.cc
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 #include "gepetto/gui/action-search-bar.hh"
 #include "gepetto/gui/node-action.hh"
-#include <gepetto/gui/meta.hh>
 #include <gepetto/gui/config-dep.hh>
diff --git a/src/test-client-cpp.cc b/src/test-client-cpp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ec8bf299e1cd8620d81a7628e9a4c04ab6bea2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/test-client-cpp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-//  test-client-cpp.cc
-//  Test SceneViewer with C++ CORBA client interface.
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert in December 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include <gepetto/viewer/corba/client.hh>
-void se3ToCorba(CORBA::Float* corbaPosition, const se3::SE3& se3position)
-    Eigen::Quaternion<float> q(se3position.rotation());
-    corbaPosition[0] = se3position.translation()(0);
-    corbaPosition[1] = se3position.translation()(1);
-    corbaPosition[2] = se3position.translation()(2);
-    corbaPosition[3] = q.w();
-    corbaPosition[4] = q.x();
-    corbaPosition[5] = q.y();
-    corbaPosition[6] = q.z();
-int main(int, const char **)
-    using namespace graphics;
-    using namespace corbaServer;
-    using namespace std;
-    Client client (0, NULL);
-    client.connect ();
-    se3::SE3 position1 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position2 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position3 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position4 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position5 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    CORBA::Float pos[7];
-    Client::WindowID windowId = client.gui()->createWindow("window1");
-    client.gui()->createScene("scene1");
-    client.gui()->addSceneToWindow("scene1",windowId);
-    client.gui()->addURDF("scene1/hrp2", "/local/mgeisert/devel/src/hrp2/hrp2_14_description/urdf/hrp2_14_capsule.urdf", "/local/mgeisert/devel/src/hrp2/");
-    sleep(5);
-    //vector<float> tri01 (3);
-    float pos1[3]= {1.,0.,0.};
-    float pos2[3] = {0.,1.,0.};
-    float pos3[3]= {0.,1.,1.};
-    float color[4] = {1.,1.,1.,1.};
-    client.gui()->addTriangleFace("scene1/triangle", pos1, pos2, pos3, color);
-    sleep(15);
-    se3ToCorba (pos, position1);
-    client.gui()->applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/RLEG_LINK0", pos);
-    se3ToCorba (pos, position2);
-    client.gui()->applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/RLEG_LINK1", pos);
-    se3ToCorba (pos, position3);
-    client.gui()->applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/LLEG_LINK1", pos);
-    se3ToCorba (pos, position4);
-    client.gui()->applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/LLEG_LINK2", pos);
-    se3ToCorba (pos, position5);
-    client.gui()->applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/BODY", pos);
-    client.gui()->refresh();
-    return 0;