From 911e1cbf8fdc7f15c6ec8f8360b0f5252c470944 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joseph Mirabel <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 11:35:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add convience python class to draw angular and linear

 src/CMakeLists.txt               |   9 +-
 src/gepetto/corbaserver/ | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/gepetto/corbaserver/

diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 6a28e26..6759083 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -106,16 +106,9 @@ INSTALL(
-  DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/gepetto/corbaserver
-  )
-  DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/gepetto/corbaserver
-  )
+  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gepetto/corbaserver/
   DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/gepetto/corbaserver
diff --git a/src/gepetto/corbaserver/ b/src/gepetto/corbaserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826110c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gepetto/corbaserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from gepetto.color import Color
+import numpy as np
+from math import pi, sqrt, cos, sin
+def _pointsTorus(R, r, nR, nr):
+    pts = []
+    twopi = 2 * pi
+    for j in range(nR):
+        for i in range(nr + 1):
+            s = i % nr
+            phi = s* twopi /nr
+            for k in (1, 0):
+                t = (j + k) % nR
+                theta = t* twopi /nR
+                y =  (R+r*cos(phi))*cos(theta);
+                z = -(R+r*cos(phi))*sin(theta);
+                x = r * sin(phi);
+                pts.append ((x, y, z))
+    return pts
+def _pointsCone(r, L, nr, R):
+    pts = []
+    twopi = 2 * pi
+    for j in range(nr+1):
+        t = j % nr
+        theta = t* twopi /nr
+        pts.append ((0., R, L))
+        pts.append ((r*cos(theta), R + r*sin(theta), 0.))
+    return pts
+def _pointsCircularArrow (R, r, nR, nr):
+    ptsCone =  _pointsCone (1.5*r, 3*r, nr, R)
+    ptsTorus = _pointsTorus (R, r, nR, nr)
+    return ptsCone + ptsTorus, len(ptsCone)
+# Compute a transformation which rotates (1, 0, 0) to v
+# Return (norm_v, T)
+# When norm_v == 0, T is None
+def _tranformFromXvector (v):
+    norm_v = np.linalg.norm(v)
+    if norm_v == 0:
+        # self.plugin.gui.gui.resizeArrow (n, self.radius, norm_v)
+        return 0, None
+    # x = (1, 0, 0)
+    u = v / norm_v
+    if u[0] < -1 + 1e-6: # Nearly opposite vectors
+        m = np.array ( ( (1, 0, 0), u ) )
+        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd (m)
+        c = max (u[0], -1)
+        w2 = (1 + c) / 2
+        s = sqrt(1 - w2)
+        t = (0,0,0, V[0,2]/s, V[1,2]/s, V[2,2]/s, w2)
+    else:
+        s = sqrt(2 * (1 + u[0]))
+        # axis = (0, -u[2]/s, u[1]/s) # x ^ u
+        t = (0,0,0, 0, -u[2]/s, u[1]/s, s/2)
+    return norm_v, t
+class Angular:
+    ## \param majorRadius, majorN radius and discretisation of the circle that is
+    ##                            the center of the torus
+    ## \param minorRadius, minorN radius and discretisation of the circle that is
+    ##                            a section of the torus
+    def __init__ (self, nodeName, color =, majorRadius = 0.1, minorRadius = 0.005, majorN = 100, minorN = 20):
+ = nodeName
+        self.R = majorRadius
+        self.r = minorRadius
+        self.nR = majorN
+ = minorN
+        self.color = color
+    def create (self, gui):
+        pts, self.minC = _pointsCircularArrow (self.R, self.r, self.nR,
+        gui.addCurve (, pts, self.color)
+        gui.setCurveMode (, "quad_strip")
+        self.maxC = len(pts)
+    def remove (self, gui):
+        gui.deleteNode (, False)
+    ## \param factor the norm of the vector is divided by this value
+    def set(self, gui, v, factor = pi):
+        norm, pos = _tranformFromXvector (v)
+        count = min (self.minC + int (norm * (self.maxC-self.minC) / factor), self.maxC)
+        gui.setCurvePointsSubset (, 0, count)
+        if pos is not None: gui.applyConfiguration (, pos)
+class Linear:
+    ## \param majorRadius, majorN radius and discretisation of the circle that is
+    ##                            the center of the torus
+    ## \param minorRadius, minorN radius and discretisation of the circle that is
+    ##                            a section of the torus
+    def __init__ (self, nodeName, color =, radius = 0.005):
+ = nodeName
+        self.R = radius
+        self.color = color
+    def create (self, gui):
+        gui.addArrow (, self.R, 1, self.color)
+    def remove (self, gui):
+        gui.deleteNode (, False)
+    ## \param factor the norm of the vector is divided by this value
+    def set(self, gui, v, factor = 1.):
+        norm, pos = _tranformFromXvector (v)
+        gui.resizeArrow (, self.R, norm / factor)
+        if pos is not None: gui.applyConfiguration (, pos)
+## Represents a 6D vector using an arrow with the 3 first
+## values and a circular arrow with the 3 last values.
+## It is useful to plot velocities of a body, forces and torques...
+class Vector6:
+    suffixLin = "linear"
+    suffixAng = "angular"
+    ## \param groupName name of an **existing** group
+    def __init__ (self, groupName, angFactor = pi, linFactor = 1.):
+ = groupName
+        self.linear  = Linear  ( + '/' + VelGetter.suffixLin)
+        self.angular = Angular ( + '/' + VelGetter.suffixAng)
+        self.angF = angFactor
+        self.linF = linFactor
+    def create (self, gui):
+        self.linear .create(gui)
+        self.angular.create(gui)
+    def remove (self, gui):
+        self.linear .remove(gui)
+        self.angular.remove(gui)
+    def set (self, gui, v):
+        self.linear .set (gui, v[0:3], self.linF)
+        self.angular.set (gui, v[3:6], self.angF)