diff --git a/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl b/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
index b0b3febd9d0fffa4a1daa9bd179fff4e54435497..0e6aeb78c2873ba2fe08b1417d13b88e3872f519 100644
--- a/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
+++ b/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 // file graphicalinterface.idl
 module gepetto {
+  /// Corba exception travelling through the Corba channel
+  exception Error
+  {
+    string msg;
+  };
 module corbaserver {
 // Comments :
@@ -9,7 +15,7 @@ module corbaserver {
 //     SceneViewer-corbaserver window for more information)
 // 3)  applyConfiguration doesn't move object straigh forward, you need to used
 //     the "refresh" function each time you want actualize position of the Viewer.
-//     This system is used to synchronize movement of all objects. 
+//     This system is used to synchronize movement of all objects.
 typedef double Transform [7];
 typedef double Position [3];
@@ -20,39 +26,36 @@ typedef double Color [4];
     /// Set time between window frames
     /// \param input rate : waiting time (ms) between two frames.
-       boolean setRate(in long rate);
+    boolean setRate(in long rate) raises (Error);
     /// Change configurations according to the last applyConfigurations.d
-       void refresh();
+    void refresh() raises (Error);
     /// Create a new window.
     /// \param input name : name of the new window.
-       boolean createWindow(in string name);
+    boolean createWindow(in string name) raises (Error);
     /// Print names of nodes on the SceneViewer-corbaserver terminal.
-       void getNodeList();
+    void getNodeList() raises (Error);
     /// Print names of windows on the SceneViewer-corbaserver terminal.
-       void getWindowList();
-       //void createWindow(in string name, in unsigned long x, in unsigned long y, in unsigned long width, in unsigned long height) ;
+    void getWindowList() raises (Error);
     /// Create a group node.
     /// \param input sceneName : name of the group.
-       boolean createScene(in string sceneName) ;
+    boolean createScene(in string sceneName) raises (Error);
     /// Create a group node and a GroudNode ("sceneName/floor") as child
     /// \param input sceneName : name of the group
-       boolean createSceneWithFloor(in string sceneName) ;
+    boolean createSceneWithFloor(in string sceneName) raises (Error);
     /// Add groupNode sceneName to the WindowManager windowName so
     /// sceneName and all its children will be displayed in the window windowName.
     /// \param input sceneName : name of the groupNode.
     /// \param input windowName : name  of rhe window.
-       boolean addSceneToWindow(in string sceneName, in string windowName) ;
+    boolean addSceneToWindow(in string sceneName, in string windowName) raises (Error);
     /// create a box called boxName.
     /// \param input boxName : name of the box.
@@ -60,112 +63,103 @@ typedef double Color [4];
     /// \param input boxSize2 : lenght of the box (y axis).
     /// \param input boxSize3 : lenght of the box (z axis).
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : Color of the box.
-       boolean addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
-       //boolean addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3) ;
-       //boolean addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height) ;
+    boolean addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a box called CapsuleName.
     /// \param input CapsuleName : name of the capsule.
     /// \param input radius : radius of the capsule.
     /// \param input height : lenght of the segment that generates the capsule.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : Color of the capsule.
-       boolean addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolorid) ;
+    boolean addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolorid) raises (Error);
     /// create a node to display a mesh (works for .dae, .obj and some other formats)
     /// \param input meshName : name of the new meshNode.
     /// \param input meshPath : full path to the mesh file.
-       boolean addMesh(in string meshName, in string meshPath) ;
-       //boolean addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height) ;
+    boolean addMesh(in string meshName, in string meshPath) raises (Error);
     /// create a node to display a mesh (works for .dae, .obj and some other formats)
     /// \param input meshName : name of the new meshNode.
     /// \param input meshPath : full path to the mesh file.
-       boolean addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
-       //boolean addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height) ;
+    boolean addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a Cyllinder called cylinderName
     /// \param input cylinderName : name of the cylinder.
     /// \param input radius : radius of the cylinder.
     /// \param input height : lenght of the cylinder.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the cylinder.
-       boolean addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
-       //boolean addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius) ;
+    boolean addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a sphere called sphereName
     /// \param input sphereName : name of the sphere.
     /// \param input radius : radius of the sphere.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the sphere.
-       boolean addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
+    boolean addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a line called lineName.
     /// \param input lineName : name of the line.
     /// \param input pos1 : position one extremity of the line.
     /// \param input pos2 : position the other extremity of the line.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the line.
-       boolean addLine(in string lineName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
+    boolean addLine(in string lineName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a four vertices face called faceName.
     /// \param input faceName : name of the face.
     /// \param input pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4 : position of the vertices.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the face.
-       boolean addSquareFace(in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Position pos4, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
+    boolean addSquareFace(in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Position pos4, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// create a three vertices face called faceName.
     /// \param input faceName : name of the face.
     /// \param input pos1, pos2, pos3 : position of the vertices.
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the face.
-       boolean addTriangleFace(in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Color RGBAcolor) ;
+    boolean addTriangleFace(in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
     /// parse an URDF model
     /// a groupNode will be created and each link will be child node of this node.
-    /// Links will be named "urdfName/linkName", linkName is the name of the link in the URDF file.
-    /// \param input urdfName : name of the groupNode that will be created.
+    /// Links will be named "prefix/linkName", linkName is the name of the link
+    /// in the URDF file.
+    /// \param input prefix: name of the groupNode that will be created.
     /// \param input urdfPath : full path to the URDF file.
-    /// \param input urddfPackage : path of the package to the package folder of the robot (this path should finish by "/").
-       boolean addURDF(in string urdfName, in string urdfPath, in string urdfPackage) ;
+    /// \param input urdfPackage : path of the package to the package folder of the robot (this path should finish by "/").
+    boolean addURDF(in string prefix, in string urdfPath, in string urdfPackage) raises (Error);
     /// create a groupNode called groupName
     /// \param input groupName : name of the group.
-       boolean createGroup(in string groupName) ;
+    boolean createGroup(in string groupName) raises (Error);
     /// set a node as child to a group node.
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the child node.
-    /// \param input groupName : name of the mother node (=group node). 
-       boolean addToGroup(in string nodeName, in string groupName) ;
+    /// \param input groupName : name of the mother node (=group node).
+    boolean addToGroup(in string nodeName, in string groupName) raises (Error);
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node.
     /// \param input configuration : Double[7] new configuration.
-       boolean applyConfiguration(in string nodeName, in Transform configuration) ;
+    boolean applyConfiguration(in string nodeName, in Transform configuration) raises (Error);
     /// Add Landmark at the center of a node (x=blue, y=green, z=red).
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node
     /// \param input size : lenght of axises.
-       boolean addLandmark(in string nodeName, in float size) ;
+    boolean addLandmark(in string nodeName, in float size) raises (Error);
     /// delete Landmark of a node.
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node
-       boolean deleteLandmark(in string nodeName) ;
+    boolean deleteLandmark(in string nodeName) raises (Error);
     /// Change the visibility of a node. If this node is a group node, visibility mode will be apply to all children.
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node.
     /// \param input visibilityMode : visibility mode can be "ON", "OFF" or "ALWAYS_ON_TOP".
-       boolean setVisibility(in string nodeName, in string visibilityMode) ;
+    boolean setVisibility(in string nodeName, in string visibilityMode) raises (Error);
     /// Change wireframe mode of a node. If this node is a group node, wireframe mode will be apply to all children.
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node.
     /// \param input wireframeMode : wiredframe mode can be "FILL", "WIREFRAME" or "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME".
-       boolean setWireFrameMode(in string nodeName, in string wireFrameMode) ;
+    boolean setWireFrameMode(in string nodeName, in string wireFrameMode) raises (Error);
     /// Change lighting mode of a node. If this node is a group node, lighting mode will be apply to all children.
     /// \param input nodeName : name of the node.
     /// \param input lightingMode : lighting mode can be "ON" or "OFF".
-       boolean setLightingMode(in string nodeName, in string lightingMode) ;
+    boolean setLightingMode(in string nodeName, in string lightingMode) raises (Error);
diff --git a/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp b/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
index ae3b775a1e8a289c4fbe3fd212429facded45a26..f55a7f701e9e441c7044d505e55d0e8f2b8e765e 100644
--- a/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
+++ b/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
@@ -8,611 +8,714 @@
 #include "graphical-interface.impl.hh"
-namespace graphics { 
-namespace corbaServer {
-namespace impl {
-GraphicalInterface::GraphicalInterface(corbaServer::Server* server) :
-    windowManagers_(), nodes_(), groupNodes_(), server_(server), mtx_(), rate_(20), newNodeConfigurations_()
-osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(const std::string& colorName)
-    if (colorName == "blue")
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "green")
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "red")
-        return osgVector4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "white")
-        return osgVector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-    else
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(const double* colorCorba)
-    return osgVector4(colorCorba[0], colorCorba[1], colorCorba[2], colorCorba[3]);
-VisibilityMode GraphicalInterface::getVisibility(const std::string& visibilityName)
-    if (visibilityName == "OFF")
-        return VISIBILITY_OFF;
-    else if (visibilityName == "ALWAYS_ON_TOP")
-        return ALWAYS_ON_TOP;
-    else if (visibilityName == "ON")
-        return VISIBILITY_ON;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Visibility mode not known, visibility mode can be \"ON\",\"OFF\" or \"ALWAYS_ON_TOP\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Visibility mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
-        return VISIBILITY_ON;
-    }
-WireFrameMode GraphicalInterface::getWire(const std::string& wireName)
-    if (wireName == "WIREFRAME")
-        return WIREFRAME;
-    else if (wireName == "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME")
-        return FILL_AND_WIREFRAME;
-    else if (wireName == "FILL")
-        return FILL;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Wire mode not known, wire mode can be \"FILL\",\"WIREFRAME\" or \"FILL_AND_WIREFRAME\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Wire mode set to default = \"FILL\"." << std::endl;
-        return FILL;
-    }
-LightingMode GraphicalInterface::getLight(const std::string& lightName)
-    if (lightName == "OFF")
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_OFF;
-    else if (lightName == "ON")
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_ON;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Lighting mode not known, lighting mode can be \"ON\" or \"OFF\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Lighting mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_ON;
-    }
-std::string GraphicalInterface::parentName(const std::string& name)
-    std::string Name(name);
-    std::string::iterator parentNameIt;
-    for (std::string::iterator i = Name.end() ; (*i) != char('/') && i != Name.begin() ; i--) {
-        parentNameIt = i;
-    }
-    parentNameIt--;
-    std::string parentName;
-    for (std::string::iterator i = Name.begin(); i != parentNameIt; i++ ) {
-        parentName.push_back(*i);
-    }
-    return parentName;
-void GraphicalInterface::initParent(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-    GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = groupNodes_[GraphicalInterface::parentName(nodeName)];
-    if ( groupNode ) {
-        groupNode->addChild(node);
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::addNode(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-    nodes_[nodeName] = node;
-void GraphicalInterface::addGroup(const std::string& groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group)
-    groupNodes_[groupName] = group;
-    nodes_[groupName] = group;
-void GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing(WindowManagerPtr_t window)
-    while (1)
-    {
-        mtx_.lock();
-        window->frame();
-        mtx_.unlock();
-        boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(rate_));
-    }
-osgQuat GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(const double* configurationCorba)
-    // configurationCorba = trans (x, y, z), quat(w, x, y, z)
-    // osgQuat = quat(x, y, z, w)
-    return osgQuat(configurationCorba[4], configurationCorba[5], configurationCorba[6], configurationCorba[3]);
-osgVector3 GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(const double* configurationCorba)
-    return osgVector3(configurationCorba[0], configurationCorba[1], configurationCorba[2]);
-//Public functions
-bool GraphicalInterface::setRate(CORBA::Long rate)
-    if ( rate <= 0 ) {
-        std::cout << "You should specify a positive rate" << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        rate_ = rate;
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba)
-    std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-    if ( windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << windowName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create();
-        windowManagers_[windowName] = newWindow;
-        boost::thread refreshThread(boost::bind(&GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing, this, newWindow));
-        return true;
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::refresh()
-    mtx_.lock();
-    //refresh scene with the new configuration
-    for (std::list<NodeConfiguration>::iterator it = newNodeConfigurations_.begin() ; it != newNodeConfigurations_.end() ; it++ ) {
-        (*it).node->applyConfiguration((*it).position, (*it).quat);
-    }
-    mtx_.unlock();
-    newNodeConfigurations_.clear();
-/*void GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* name, const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height)
-     {
-         WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create(x, y, width, height);
-         windowManagers_[name] = newWindow;
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-        addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-        addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-        std::string floorName = sceneName + "/floor";
-        LeafNodeGroundPtr_t floor = LeafNodeGround::create(floorName);
-        addNode(floorName, floor);
-        mainNode->addChild(floor);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba,const char* windowNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-    if (windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end() && groupNodes_.find(sceneName) != groupNodes_.end() ) {
-        windowManagers_[windowName]->addNode(groupNodes_[sceneName]);
-        return true;
-    }
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Window name \"" << windowName << "\" and/or scene name \"" << sceneName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(boxName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << boxName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3), getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
-        addNode(boxName, box);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*bool GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3)
-    std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(boxName) != nodes_.end()) {
+namespace graphics {
+  namespace corbaServer {
+    namespace impl {
+      GraphicalInterface::GraphicalInterface(corbaServer::Server* server) :
+	windowManagers_(), nodes_(), groupNodes_(), server_(server), mtx_(), rate_(20), newNodeConfigurations_()
+      {
+      }
+      osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(const std::string& colorName)
+      {
+	if (colorName == "blue")
+	  return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+	else if (colorName == "green")
+	  return osgVector4(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+	else if (colorName == "red")
+	  return osgVector4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+	else if (colorName == "white")
+	  return osgVector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+	else
+	  return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+      }
+      osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(const double* colorCorba)
+      {
+	return osgVector4(colorCorba[0], colorCorba[1], colorCorba[2], colorCorba[3]);
+      }
+      VisibilityMode GraphicalInterface::getVisibility(const std::string& visibilityName)
+      {
+	if (visibilityName == "OFF")
+	  return VISIBILITY_OFF;
+	else if (visibilityName == "ALWAYS_ON_TOP")
+	  return ALWAYS_ON_TOP;
+	else if (visibilityName == "ON")
+	  return VISIBILITY_ON;
+	else {
+	  std::cout << "Visibility mode not known, visibility mode can be \"ON\",\"OFF\" or \"ALWAYS_ON_TOP\"." << std::endl;
+	  std::cout << "Visibility mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
+	  return VISIBILITY_ON;
+	}
+      }
+      WireFrameMode GraphicalInterface::getWire(const std::string& wireName)
+      {
+	if (wireName == "WIREFRAME")
+	  return WIREFRAME;
+	else if (wireName == "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME")
+	else if (wireName == "FILL")
+	  return FILL;
+	else {
+	  std::cout << "Wire mode not known, wire mode can be \"FILL\",\"WIREFRAME\" or \"FILL_AND_WIREFRAME\"." << std::endl;
+	  std::cout << "Wire mode set to default = \"FILL\"." << std::endl;
+	  return FILL;
+	}
+      }
+      LightingMode GraphicalInterface::getLight(const std::string& lightName)
+      {
+	if (lightName == "OFF")
+	else if (lightName == "ON")
+	else {
+	  std::cout << "Lighting mode not known, lighting mode can be \"ON\" or \"OFF\"." << std::endl;
+	  std::cout << "Lighting mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
+	}
+      }
+      std::string GraphicalInterface::parentName(const std::string& name)
+      {
+	std::string Name(name);
+	std::string::iterator parentNameIt;
+	for (std::string::iterator i = Name.end() ; (*i) != char('/') && i != Name.begin() ; i--) {
+	  parentNameIt = i;
+	}
+	parentNameIt--;
+	std::string parentName;
+	for (std::string::iterator i = Name.begin(); i != parentNameIt; i++ ) {
+	  parentName.push_back(*i);
+	}
+	return parentName;
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::initParent(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
+      {
+	GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = groupNodes_[GraphicalInterface::parentName(nodeName)];
+	if ( groupNode ) {
+	  groupNode->addChild(node);
+	}
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::addNode(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
+      {
+	nodes_[nodeName] = node;
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::addGroup(const std::string& groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group)
+      {
+	groupNodes_[groupName] = group;
+	nodes_[groupName] = group;
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing(WindowManagerPtr_t window)
+      {
+	while (1)
+	  {
+	    mtx_.lock();
+	    window->frame();
+	    mtx_.unlock();
+	    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(rate_));
+	  }
+      }
+      osgQuat GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(const double* configurationCorba)
+      {
+	// configurationCorba = trans (x, y, z), quat(w, x, y, z)
+	// osgQuat = quat(x, y, z, w)
+	return osgQuat(configurationCorba[4], configurationCorba[5], configurationCorba[6], configurationCorba[3]);
+      }
+      osgVector3 GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(const double* configurationCorba)
+      {
+	return osgVector3(configurationCorba[0], configurationCorba[1], configurationCorba[2]);
+      }
+      //Public functions
+      bool GraphicalInterface::setRate(CORBA::Long rate) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	if ( rate <= 0 ) {
+	  std::cout << "You should specify a positive rate" << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  rate_ = rate;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
+	if ( windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << windowName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create();
+	  windowManagers_[windowName] = newWindow;
+	  boost::thread refreshThread(boost::bind(&GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing, this, newWindow));
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::refresh() throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	mtx_.lock();
+	//refresh scene with the new configuration
+	for (std::list<NodeConfiguration>::iterator it = newNodeConfigurations_.begin() ; it != newNodeConfigurations_.end() ; it++ ) {
+	  (*it).node->applyConfiguration((*it).position, (*it).quat);
+	}
+	mtx_.unlock();
+	newNodeConfigurations_.clear();
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      /*void GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* name, const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height)
+	{
+	WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create(x, y, width, height);
+	windowManagers_[name] = newWindow;
+	}*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
+	  addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
+	  addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
+	  std::string floorName = sceneName + "/floor";
+	  LeafNodeGroundPtr_t floor = LeafNodeGround::create(floorName);
+	  addNode(floorName, floor);
+	  mainNode->addChild(floor);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba,const char* windowNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
+	std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
+	if (windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end() && groupNodes_.find(sceneName) != groupNodes_.end() ) {
+	  windowManagers_[windowName]->addNode(groupNodes_[sceneName]);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	else {
+	  std::cout << "Window name \"" << windowName << "\" and/or scene name \"" << sceneName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(boxName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << boxName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3), getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
+	  addNode(boxName, box);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      /*bool GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3)
+	{
+	std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(boxName) != nodes_.end()) {
         std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << boxName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    }
-    else {
+	}
+	else {
         LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3));
         GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
         addNode(boxName, box);
         return true;
-    }
+	}
+	}*/
-/*bool GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    const std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(capsuleName) != nodes_.end()) {
+      /*bool GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
+	{
+	const std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(capsuleName) != nodes_.end()) {
         std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << capsuleName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    }
-    else {
+	}
+	else {
         LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height);
         GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
         addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
         return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double* colorCorba)
-    const std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(capsuleName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << capsuleName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
-        addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba)
-    std::string meshName(meshNameCorba);
-    std::string meshPath(meshPathCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(meshName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << meshName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        try {
+	}
+	}*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	const std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(capsuleName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << capsuleName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
+	  addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string meshName(meshNameCorba);
+	std::string meshPath(meshPathCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(meshName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << meshName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  try {
             LeafNodeColladaPtr_t mesh = LeafNodeCollada::create(meshName, meshPath);
             GraphicalInterface::initParent(meshName, mesh);
             addNode(meshName, mesh);
             return true;
-        } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
             std::cout << "Mesh \"" << meshPath << "\" not found." << std::endl;
             return false;
-        }
-    }
-/*bool GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(coneName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  }
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      /*bool GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
+	{
+	std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(coneName) != nodes_.end()) {
         std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << coneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    }
-    else {
+	}
+	else {
         LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height);
         GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
         addNode(coneName, cone);
         return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(coneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << coneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
-        addNode(coneName, cone);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*bool GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(cylinderName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	}
+	}*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double*) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(coneName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << coneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height);
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
+	  addNode(coneName, cone);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      /*bool GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
+	{
+	std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(cylinderName) != nodes_.end()) {
         std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << cylinderName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    }
-    else {
+	}
+	else {
         LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height);
         GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
         addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
         return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(cylinderName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << cylinderName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
-        addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*bool GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, const float radius)
-    std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sphereName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	}
+	}*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, const float radius, const float height, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(cylinderName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << cylinderName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
+	  addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      /*bool GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, const float radius)
+	{
+	std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(sphereName) != nodes_.end()) {
         std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sphereName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    }
-    else {
+	}
+	else {
         LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius);
         GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
         addNode(sphereName, sphere);
         return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, const float radius, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sphereName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sphereName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
-        addNode(sphereName, sphere);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addLine(const char* lineNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string lineName(lineNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(lineName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << lineName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
-        LeafNodeLinePtr_t line = LeafNodeLine::create(lineName, pos1, pos2, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(lineName, line);
-        addNode(lineName, line);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addTriangleFace(const char* faceNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* posCorba3, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string faceName(faceNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(faceName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << faceName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos3(posCorba3[0], posCorba3[1], posCorba3[2]);
-        LeafNodeFacePtr_t face = LeafNodeFace::create(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(faceName, face);
-        addNode(faceName, face);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addSquareFace(const char* faceNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* posCorba3, const double* posCorba4, const double* colorCorba)
-    std::string faceName(faceNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(faceName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << faceName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos3(posCorba3[0], posCorba3[1], posCorba3[2]);
-        osgVector3 pos4(posCorba4[0], posCorba4[1], posCorba4[2]);
-        LeafNodeFacePtr_t face = LeafNodeFace::create(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos3, getColor(colorCorba));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(faceName, face);
-        addNode(faceName, face);
-        return true;
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::getNodeList()
-    std::cout << "List of Nodes :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t>::iterator it=nodes_.begin(); it!=nodes_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "List of GroupNodes :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t>::iterator it=groupNodes_.begin(); it!=groupNodes_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-void GraphicalInterface::getWindowList()
-    std::cout << "List of Windows :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t>::iterator it=windowManagers_.begin(); it!=windowManagers_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-bool GraphicalInterface::createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba)
-    const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(groupName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << groupName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = GroupNode::create(groupName);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(groupName, groupNode);
-        addGroup(groupName, groupNode);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba)
-    const std::string urdfName(urdfNameCorba);
-    const std::string urdfPath(urdfPathCorba);
-    const std::string urdfPackagePath(urdfPackagePathCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(urdfName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << urdfName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t urdf = urdfParser::parse
-	  (urdfName, urdfPath, urdfPackagePath);
-        NodePtr_t link;
-        for (int i=0 ; i< urdf->getNumOfChildren() ; i++) {
-            link = urdf->getChild(i);
-            nodes_[link->getID()] = link;
-        }
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(urdfName, urdf);
-        addGroup(urdfName, urdf);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end() || groupNodes_.find(groupName) == groupNodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node name \"" << nodeName << "\" and/or groupNode \"" << groupName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        groupNodes_[groupName]->addChild(nodes_[nodeName]);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configurationCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        //no node named nodeName
-        std::cout << "No Node named \"" << nodeName << "\"" << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        NodeConfiguration newNodeConfiguration;
-        newNodeConfiguration.node = nodes_[nodeName];
-        try {
-            newNodeConfiguration.position = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(configurationCorba);
-            newNodeConfiguration.quat = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(configurationCorba);
-        } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
-            std::cout << "Error when converting configuration, configuration should be DOUBLE[7] = [transX, transY, transZ, quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ]" <<std::endl;
-            return false;
-        }
-        newNodeConfigurations_.push_back(newNodeConfiguration);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba, float size)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->addLandmark(size);
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::deleteLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->deleteLandmark();
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string visibilityMode(visibilityModeCorba);
-    VisibilityMode visibility =  getVisibility(visibilityMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setVisibilityMode(visibility);
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string wireFrameMode(wireFrameModeCorba);
-    WireFrameMode wire = getWire(wireFrameMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setWireFrameMode(wire);
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string lightingMode(lightingModeCorba);
-    LightingMode light = getLight(lightingMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setLightingMode(light);
-    return true;
-} //end namespace impl
-} //end namespace corbaServer	
+	}
+	}*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, const float radius, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(sphereName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sphereName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
+	  addNode(sphereName, sphere);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addLine(const char* lineNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string lineName(lineNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(lineName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << lineName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
+	  LeafNodeLinePtr_t line = LeafNodeLine::create(lineName, pos1, pos2, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(lineName, line);
+	  addNode(lineName, line);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addTriangleFace(const char* faceNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* posCorba3, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string faceName(faceNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(faceName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << faceName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos3(posCorba3[0], posCorba3[1], posCorba3[2]);
+	  LeafNodeFacePtr_t face = LeafNodeFace::create(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(faceName, face);
+	  addNode(faceName, face);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addSquareFace(const char* faceNameCorba, const double* posCorba1, const double* posCorba2, const double* posCorba3, const double* posCorba4, const double* colorCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	std::string faceName(faceNameCorba);
+	if (nodes_.find(faceName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	  std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << faceName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	else {
+	  osgVector3 pos1(posCorba1[0], posCorba1[1], posCorba1[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos2(posCorba2[0], posCorba2[1], posCorba2[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos3(posCorba3[0], posCorba3[1], posCorba3[2]);
+	  osgVector3 pos4(posCorba4[0], posCorba4[1], posCorba4[2]);
+	  LeafNodeFacePtr_t face = LeafNodeFace::create(faceName, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos3, getColor(colorCorba));
+	  GraphicalInterface::initParent(faceName, face);
+	  addNode(faceName, face);
+	  return true;
+	}
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::getNodeList() throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  std::cout << "List of Nodes :" << std::endl;
+	  for (std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t>::iterator it=nodes_.begin(); it!=nodes_.end(); ++it)
+	    std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
+	  std::cout << "List of GroupNodes :" << std::endl;
+	  for (std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t>::iterator it=groupNodes_.begin(); it!=groupNodes_.end(); ++it)
+	    std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      void GraphicalInterface::getWindowList() throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  std::cout << "List of Windows :" << std::endl;
+	  for (std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t>::iterator it=windowManagers_.begin(); it!=windowManagers_.end(); ++it)
+	    std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(groupName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << groupName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = GroupNode::create(groupName);
+	    GraphicalInterface::initParent(groupName, groupNode);
+	    addGroup(groupName, groupNode);
+	    return true;
+	  }
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string urdfName(urdfNameCorba);
+	  const std::string urdfPath(urdfPathCorba);
+	  const std::string urdfPackagePath(urdfPackagePathCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(urdfName) != nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << urdfName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    GroupNodePtr_t urdf = urdfParser::parse
+	      (urdfName, urdfPath, urdfPackagePath);
+	    NodePtr_t link;
+	    for (int i=0 ; i< urdf->getNumOfChildren() ; i++) {
+	      link = urdf->getChild(i);
+	      nodes_[link->getID()] = link;
+	    }
+	    GraphicalInterface::initParent(urdfName, urdf);
+	    addGroup(urdfName, urdf);
+	    return true;
+	  }
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end() || groupNodes_.find(groupName) == groupNodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node name \"" << nodeName << "\" and/or groupNode \"" << groupName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    groupNodes_[groupName]->addChild(nodes_[nodeName]);
+	    return true;
+	  }
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configurationCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    //no node named nodeName
+	    std::cout << "No Node named \"" << nodeName << "\"" << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    NodeConfiguration newNodeConfiguration;
+	    newNodeConfiguration.node = nodes_[nodeName];
+	    try {
+	      newNodeConfiguration.position = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(configurationCorba);
+	      newNodeConfiguration.quat = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(configurationCorba);
+	    } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	      std::cout << "Error when converting configuration, configuration should be DOUBLE[7] = [transX, transY, transZ, quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ]" <<std::endl;
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	    newNodeConfigurations_.push_back(newNodeConfiguration);
+	    return true;
+	  }
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba, float size) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  nodes_[nodeName]->addLandmark(size);
+	  return true;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::deleteLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  nodes_[nodeName]->deleteLandmark();
+	  return true;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  const std::string visibilityMode(visibilityModeCorba);
+	  VisibilityMode visibility =  getVisibility(visibilityMode);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  nodes_[nodeName]->setVisibilityMode(visibility);
+	  return true;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  const std::string wireFrameMode(wireFrameModeCorba);
+	  WireFrameMode wire = getWire(wireFrameMode);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  nodes_[nodeName]->setWireFrameMode(wire);
+	  return true;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba) throw (Error)
+      {
+	try {
+	  const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
+	  const std::string lightingMode(lightingModeCorba);
+	  LightingMode light = getLight(lightingMode);
+	  if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
+	    std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  nodes_[nodeName]->setLightingMode(light);
+	  return true;
+	} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+	  throw Error (exc.what ());
+	}
+      }
+    } //end namespace impl
+  } //end namespace corbaServer
 } //end namespace graphics
diff --git a/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh b/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
index 8f2f7630201a9d03850542d2a5413e5c7fbc5f2a..934e2b62e975fff6b0e60752566a05fdaa28c699 100644
--- a/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
+++ b/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class GraphicalInterface :
     public virtual POA_gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface
+  typedef gepetto::Error Error;
     std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t> windowManagers_;
     std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t> nodes_;
     std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t> groupNodes_;
@@ -75,55 +76,49 @@ public:
     GraphicalInterface (corbaServer::Server* server);
-    virtual void getNodeList();
-    virtual void getWindowList();
+  virtual void getNodeList() throw (Error);
+  virtual void getWindowList() throw (Error);
-    virtual bool setRate(CORBA::Long rate);
-    virtual void refresh();
+  virtual bool setRate(CORBA::Long rate) throw (Error);
+  virtual void refresh() throw (Error);
-    virtual bool createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba);
-    //virtual void createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
+  virtual bool createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba, const char* windowNameCorba) ;
+  virtual bool createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba)  throw (Error);
+  virtual bool createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba)  throw (Error);
+  virtual bool addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba, const char* windowNameCorba)  throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const double* color);
-    //virtual bool addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3) ;
+  virtual bool addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    //virtual bool addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    virtual bool addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba) ;
+  virtual bool addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba)  throw (Error);
-    //virtual bool addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    virtual bool addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    //virtual bool addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    virtual bool addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    //virtual bool addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, float radius) ;
-    virtual bool addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addLine(const char* lineName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addLine(const char* lineName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addSquareFace(const char* faceName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* pos3, const double* pos4, const double* color);
-    virtual bool addTriangleFace(const char* faceName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* pos3, const double* color);
+  virtual bool addSquareFace(const char* faceName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* pos3, const double* pos4, const double* color) throw (Error);
+  virtual bool addTriangleFace(const char* faceName, const double* pos1, const double* pos2, const double* pos3, const double* color) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba);
+  virtual bool addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba) ;
+  virtual bool createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba)  throw (Error);
+  virtual bool addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba)  throw (Error);
-    virtual bool applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configuration) ;
+  virtual bool applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configuration)  throw (Error);
-    virtual bool addLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba, float size);
-    virtual bool deleteLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba);
+  virtual bool addLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba, float size) throw (Error);
+  virtual bool deleteLandmark(const char* nodeNameCorba) throw (Error);
-    virtual bool setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba) ;
-    virtual bool setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba) ;
-    virtual bool setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba) ;
+  virtual bool setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba)  throw (Error);
+  virtual bool setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba)  throw (Error);
+  virtual bool setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba)  throw (Error);
 }; // end of class