diff --git a/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl b/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
index 8d2946262344690a68e4ade5f758aad454f2157e..bec1455692beacc597b2f3d6afbe79167906d61f 100644
--- a/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
+++ b/idl/gepetto/viewer/graphical-interface.idl
@@ -116,6 +116,34 @@ typedef float Color [4];
     /// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the face.
     boolean addTriangleFace(in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error);
+		// Add a sphere with xyz axis
+		// The colors are x=red, y=green, z=blue (xyz=RGB)
+		// \param input nodeName : name of the node
+		// \param input RGBAcolor : color of the sphere
+		// \param input radius : radius of the sphere
+		// \param input sizeAxis : size of the axis (proportionnaly to the sphere radius, size axis = 1 -> axis are radius*4 in length and radius/4 in radius)
+		boolean addXYZaxis(in string nodeName, in Color RGBAcolor,in float radius,in float sizeAxis) raises(Error);
+		// Add an empty roadmap to the scene
+	  // \param input nameCorba : name of the roadmap
+	  // \param input RGBAcolorNode : color of the sphere
+	  // \param input radius : radius of the sphere
+	  // \param input sizeAxis :size of the axis (proportionnaly to the sphere radius, size axis = 1 -> axis are radius*4 in length and radius/4 in radius)
+	  // \param input RGBAcolorEdge : color of the edges
+    boolean createRoadmap(in string nameCorba,in Color RGBAcolorNode, in float radius, in float sizeAxis, in Color RGBAcolorEdge) raises(Error);
+		// Add an edge to the roadmap
+	  // \param input nameRoadmap : name of the roadmap
+	  // \param input posFrom : position of the beginning of the edge
+	  // \param input posTo : position of the end of the edge (not oriented edge, order doesn't matter)
+    boolean addEdgeToRoadmap(in string nameRoadmap, in Position posFrom, in Position posTo)raises(Error);
+		// Add a node to the roadmap
+	  // \param input nameRoadmap : name of the roadmap
+	  // \param input configuration : configuration of the node 
+    boolean addNodeToRoadmap(in string nameRoadmap, in Transform configuration)raises(Error);
     /// Create a node from an urdf file
     /// \param robotName Name of the node that will contain the robot geometry,
     ///                  each geometric part is prefixed by this name,
@@ -129,6 +157,7 @@ typedef float Color [4];
     /// a groupNode is created and each link will be child node of this node.
     /// Links are named "prefix/linkName", linkName is the name of the link
     /// in the URDF file.
     boolean addURDF (in string robotName, in string urdfFilePath,
 		     in string meshDataRootDir) raises (Error);
diff --git a/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/windows-manager.h b/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/windows-manager.h
index 1bc4653bffcf81b457dbe5db6dce0975a01fc15b..1c4065a6dc782f21628c417f341eefa832f144cb 100644
--- a/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/windows-manager.h
+++ b/include/gepetto/viewer/corba/windows-manager.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <gepetto/viewer/window-manager.h>
+#include <gepetto/viewer/roadmap-viewer.h>
 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
 namespace graphics {
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ namespace graphics {
             WindowManagerVector_t windowManagers_;
             std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t> nodes_;
             std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t> groupNodes_;
+            std::map<std::string, RoadmapViewerPtr_t> roadmapNodes_;
             boost::mutex mtx_;
             int rate_;
             std::list<NodeConfiguration> newNodeConfigurations_;
@@ -103,6 +105,13 @@ namespace graphics {
             virtual bool addSquareFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* pos4, const value_type* color);
             virtual bool addTriangleFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* color);
+            virtual bool addXYZaxis (const char* nodeNameCorba, const value_type* colorCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis);
+            virtual bool createRoadmap(const char* nameCorba,const value_type* colorNodeCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis, const value_type* colorEdgeCorba);
+            virtual bool addEdgeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* posFromCorba, const value_type* posToCorba);
+            virtual bool addNodeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* configuration);
             virtual bool addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba);
diff --git a/src/corbaserver.cc b/src/corbaserver.cc
index d17bb0174d3554780a8a6a08684cdab12becfabc..28f1f37a09c2500f893c418b11ab3aeec8746c4d 100644
--- a/src/corbaserver.cc
+++ b/src/corbaserver.cc
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ int
 main (int argc, const char* argv[])
   graphics::WindowsManagerPtr_t wm = graphics::WindowsManager::create ();
-  Server server (wm, argc, argv, true);
+  Server server (wm, argc, argv, false); // dernier arg : autorise ou non multithread (original = true)
   server.startCorbaServer ();
diff --git a/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp b/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
index af1e9f38ede13e51a252b183d5bc60ef446edf16..0cbca83a75d0bb95bba4606a0ef9557794b483d4 100644
--- a/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
+++ b/src/graphical-interface.impl.cpp
@@ -200,6 +200,44 @@ namespace graphics {
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addXYZaxis(const char* nodeNameCorba, const value_type* colorCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis)
+          throw (Error)
+      {
+          try {
+              return windowsManager_->addXYZaxis (nodeNameCorba,colorCorba,radius,sizeAxis);
+          } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+              throw Error (exc.what ());
+          }
+      }
+      /** initialise the roadmap (graphical roadmap)*/
+      bool GraphicalInterface::createRoadmap(const char* nameCorba,const value_type* colorNodeCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis, const value_type* colorEdgeCorba) throw(Error){
+          try {
+              return windowsManager_->createRoadmap (nameCorba,colorNodeCorba,radius,sizeAxis,colorEdgeCorba);
+          } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+              throw Error (exc.what ());
+          }
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addEdgeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* posFrom, const value_type* posTo) throw(Error){
+          try {
+              return windowsManager_->addEdgeToRoadmap (nameRoadmap,posFrom,posTo);
+          } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+              throw Error (exc.what ());
+          }
+      }
+      bool GraphicalInterface::addNodeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* configuration) throw(Error){
+          try {
+              return windowsManager_->addNodeToRoadmap (nameRoadmap,configuration);
+          } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
+              throw Error (exc.what ());
+          }
+      }
       void GraphicalInterface::getNodeList () throw (Error)
         try {
diff --git a/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh b/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
index 1f08ca43650b6c16689e98177fd66830215cf839..b4f07fae9338af4f10c45dba1f5dee5c0195a8df 100644
--- a/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
+++ b/src/graphical-interface.impl.hh
@@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ public:
   virtual bool addSquareFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* pos4, const value_type* color) throw (Error);
   virtual bool addTriangleFace(const char* faceName, const value_type* pos1, const value_type* pos2, const value_type* pos3, const value_type* color) throw (Error);
+  virtual bool addXYZaxis (const char* nodeNameCorba, const value_type* colorCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis) throw (Error);
+  virtual bool createRoadmap(const char* nameCorba,const value_type* colorNodeCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis, const value_type* colorEdgeCorba) throw(Error);
+  virtual bool addEdgeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* posFrom, const value_type* posTo) throw(Error);
+  virtual bool addNodeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* configuration) throw(Error);
   virtual bool addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba) throw (Error);
   virtual bool addUrdfCollision (const char* urdfNameCorba,
diff --git a/src/windows-manager.cpp b/src/windows-manager.cpp
index ad2e8d9683bc58ea8c94212df4ce41b1ae767652..5d00e95bf5dc442db296099d6561dc79ea781c93 100644
--- a/src/windows-manager.cpp
+++ b/src/windows-manager.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-line.h>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-face.h>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-sphere.h>
+#include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-xyzaxis.h>
+#include <gepetto/viewer/roadmap-viewer.h>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/macros.h>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/config-osg.h>
 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-ground.h>
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
 namespace graphics {
     WindowsManager::WindowsManager () :
-        windowManagers_ (), nodes_ (), groupNodes_ (),
+        windowManagers_ (), nodes_ (), groupNodes_ (),roadmapNodes_(),
         mtx_ (), rate_ (20), newNodeConfigurations_ ()
@@ -479,6 +481,60 @@ namespace graphics {
+    bool WindowsManager::addXYZaxis (const char* nodeNameCorba,const value_type* colorCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis)
+    {
+          std::string nodeName (nodeNameCorba);
+          if (nodes_.find (nodeName) != nodes_.end ()) {
+            std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << nodeName
+                  << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+            return false;
+          }
+          else {
+            LeafNodeXYZAxisPtr_t axis = LeafNodeXYZAxis::create
+              (nodeName,getColor(colorCorba),radius,sizeAxis);
+            WindowsManager::initParent (nodeName, axis);
+            addNode (nodeName, axis);
+            return true;
+          }
+    }
+    bool WindowsManager::createRoadmap(const char* nameCorba,const value_type* colorNodeCorba, float radius, float sizeAxis, const value_type* colorEdgeCorba){
+        const std::string roadmapName (nameCorba);
+        if (nodes_.find (roadmapName) != nodes_.end ()) {
+            std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << roadmapName
+                << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        else {
+            RoadmapViewerPtr_t rm = RoadmapViewer::create(roadmapName,getColor(colorNodeCorba),radius,sizeAxis,getColor(colorEdgeCorba));
+            WindowsManager::initParent (roadmapName, rm);
+            addNode (roadmapName, rm);
+            roadmapNodes_[roadmapName]=rm;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    bool WindowsManager::addEdgeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmapCorba, const value_type* posFromCorba, const value_type* posToCorba){
+        const std::string nameRoadmap (nameRoadmapCorba);
+        if (roadmapNodes_.find (nameRoadmap) == roadmapNodes_.end ()) {
+            //no node named nodeName
+            std::cout << "No roadmap named \"" << nameRoadmap << "\"" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        else {
+            RoadmapViewerPtr_t rm_ptr = roadmapNodes_[nameRoadmap];
+            osgVector3 posFrom = osgVector3(posFromCorba[0], posFromCorba[1],posFromCorba[2]);
+            osgVector3 posTo = osgVector3(posToCorba[0], posToCorba[1],posToCorba[2]);
+            rm_ptr->addEdge(posFrom,posTo);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    bool WindowsManager::addNodeToRoadmap(const char* nameRoadmap, const value_type* configuration){
+    }
     std::vector<std::string> WindowsManager::getNodeList ()
         std::vector<std::string> l;