From 140edc472544086687e83281661b538cdd44483e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mathieu Geisert <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 15:11:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Delete ~ files.

 idl/sceneViewer.idl~                        |  47 --
 include/Graphics/corbaserver/client-cpp.hh~ |  83 ----
 src/CMakeLists.txt~                         | 118 -----
 src/GraphicalInterface.cpp~                 | 327 -------------
 src/GraphicalInterface.hh~                  |  96 ----
 src/GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp~            | 510 --------------------
 src/GraphicalInterface.impl.hh~             | 125 -----
 src/                          | 185 -------
 src/client-cpp.hh~                          |  86 ----
 src/erreur.txt~                             | 253 ----------
 src/fwd.hh~                                 |  38 --
 src/                     |  24 -
 src/sceneViewer.idl~                        |  47 --
 src/                      | 123 -----
 src/server-private.hh~                      |  63 ---
 src/                              | 159 ------
 src/server.hh~                              | 100 ----
 test/                    |  42 --
 18 files changed, 2426 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 idl/sceneViewer.idl~
 delete mode 100644 include/Graphics/corbaserver/client-cpp.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/CMakeLists.txt~
 delete mode 100644 src/GraphicalInterface.cpp~
 delete mode 100644 src/GraphicalInterface.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp~
 delete mode 100644 src/GraphicalInterface.impl.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/
 delete mode 100644 src/client-cpp.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/erreur.txt~
 delete mode 100644 src/fwd.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/
 delete mode 100644 src/sceneViewer.idl~
 delete mode 100644 src/
 delete mode 100644 src/server-private.hh~
 delete mode 100644 src/
 delete mode 100644 src/server.hh~
 delete mode 100644 test/

diff --git a/idl/sceneViewer.idl~ b/idl/sceneViewer.idl~
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb1e30..0000000
--- a/idl/sceneViewer.idl~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// file sceneViewer.idl
-module Graphics {
-module corbaserver {
-  /// Corba exception travelling through the Corba channel
-  exception Error
-  {
-    string msg;
-  };
-  interface sceneViewer {
-    // Compute the sum of two real numbers.
-       void createWindow(in string name) raises (Error);
-       //void createWindow(in string name, in unsigned long x, in unsigned long y, in unsigned long width, in unsigned long height) raises (Error);
-       void createScene(in string sceneName) raises (Error);
-       void createSceneWithFloor(in string sceneName) raises (Error);
-       void addSceneToWindow(in string sceneName, in string windowName) raises (Error);
-       //void addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3, in string colorName) raises (Error);
-       void addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3) raises (Error);
-       void addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height) raises (Error);
-       //void addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) raises (Error);
-       void addMesh(in string meshName, in string meshPath) raises (Error);
-       void addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height) raises (Error);
-       //void addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) raises (Error);
-       void addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height) raises (Error);
-       //void addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) raises (Error);
-       void addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius) raises (Error);
-       //void addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius, in string colorName) raises (Error);
-       void createGroup(in string groupName) raises (Error);
-       boolean addToGroup(in string nodeName, in string groupName) raises (Error);
-       boolean applyConfiguration(in string nodeName, in float configuration) raises (Error);
-       boolean setVisibility(in string nodeName, in string visibilityMode) raises (Error);
-       boolean setWireFrameMode(in string nodeName, in string wireFrameMode) raises (Error);
-       boolean setLightingMode(in string nodeName, in string lightingMode) raises (Error);
-  };
diff --git a/include/Graphics/corbaserver/client-cpp.hh~ b/include/Graphics/corbaserver/client-cpp.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index aab7dbd..0000000
--- a/include/Graphics/corbaserver/client-cpp.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-//  client-cpp.h
-//  DynAndGraphics
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert on 02/12/2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 Mathieu Geisert. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __DynAndGraphics__clientCpp__
-#define __DynAndGraphics__clientCpp__
-#include <iostream>
-#include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
-#include "../../../src/graphicalinterface.hh"
-namespace Graphics {
-namespace corbaServer {
-class ClientCpp
-    CORBA_ORB_var orb_;
-    GraphicalInterface_var manager_;
-    // Default constructor
-    ClientCpp();
-    // Default destructor
-    ~ClientCpp();
-    /*void getNodeList();
-    void setRate(CORBA::Long rate);
-    void refresh();
-    void createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba);
-    //void createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
-    void createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    void createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    void addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba, const char* windowNameCorba) ;
-    //void addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const char* colorName);
-    void addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3) ;
-    void addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    void addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba) ;
-    void addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    void addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    void addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, float radius) ;
-    //void addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const char* colorName);
-    void addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba);
-    void createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba) ;
-    bool addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba) ;
-    bool applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configuration) ;
-    bool setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba) ;
-    bool setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba) ;
-    bool setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba) ;*/
-}; //end of class ClientCpp
-} //end of namespace corbaserver
-} //end of namespace Graphics
-#endif // __DynAndGraphics__clientCpp__
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt~ b/src/CMakeLists.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index f900213..0000000
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS
-# Author: Mathieu Geisert
-# This file is part of SceneViewer-corba.
-# SceneViewer-corba is free software: you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
-# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# SceneViewer-corba is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
-# General Lesser Public License for more details.  You should have
-# received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
-# hpp-corbaserver.  If not, see
-# <>.
-  graphicalinterface
-  )
-    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/idl/Graphics/corbaserver)
-  graphicalinterface.hh
-  GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp
-  GraphicalInterface.impl.hh
-  server.hh
-  server-private.hh
-  client-cpp.hh
-  se3.hpp
-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Graphics/corbaserver/
-# search for python
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Graphics/corbaserver/${IDL}
-    ARGS -bpython -Wbpackage="" -I${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/idl
-    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/idl/Graphics/corbaserver/${IDL}.idl
-    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/idl/Graphics/corbaserver/${IDL}.idl
-    )
-    )
-    FILES
-    DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/Graphics/corbaserver
-    )
-  )
-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Graphics/corbaserver/
-  DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/Graphics/corbaserver
-  )
-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Graphics/corbaserver/
-  DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITELIB}/Graphics/corbaserver
-  )
-  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/idl/Graphics/corbaserver/graphicalinterface.idl
-# Standalone corba server
-ADD_EXECUTABLE (SceneViewercorbaserver
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SceneViewercorbaserver SceneViewer)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SceneViewercorbaserver urdfdom_model)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SceneViewercorbaserver ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-ADD_EXECUTABLE (clientTest ../test/
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clientTest SceneViewer)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clientTest urdfdom_model)
-#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clientTest eigen3)
diff --git a/src/GraphicalInterface.cpp~ b/src/GraphicalInterface.cpp~
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fbe588..0000000
--- a/src/GraphicalInterface.cpp~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-//  GraphicalGroupOSG.h
-//  DynAndGraphics
-//  Created by Justin Carpentier on 07/02/2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 Justin Carpentier. All rights reserved.
-#include <iostream>
-#include "GraphicalInterface.hh"
-namespace Graphics {
-     GraphicalInterface::GraphicalInterface() :
-         windowManagers_(), nodes_(), groupNodes_()
-     {
-       return;
-     }
-     GraphicalInterfacePtr_t GraphicalInterface::create()
-     {
-         GraphicalInterfacePtr_t shared_ptr(new GraphicalInterface());
-         return shared_ptr;
-     }
-     osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(CORBA::char* colorName)
-     {
-         if (colorName == "blue")
-                 return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-         else if (colorName == "green")
-                 return osgVector4(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-         else if (colorName == "red")
-                 return osgVector4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-         else if (colorName == "white")
-                 return osgVector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-         else
-             return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-     }
-     VisibilityMode GraphicalInterface::getVisibility(CORBA::char* visibilityName)
-     {
-         if (visibilityName == "OFF")
-             return VISIBILITY_OFF;
-         else if (visibilityName == "ALWAYS_ON_TOP")
-             return ALWAYS_ON_TOP;
-         else
-             return VISIBILITY_ON;
-     }
-     WireFrameMode GraphicalInterface::getWire(CORBA::char* wireName)
-     {
-         if (wireName == "WIREFRAME")
-             return WIREFRAME;
-         else if (wireName == "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME")
-             return FILL_AND_WIREFRAME;
-         else
-             return FILL;
-     }
-     LightingMode GraphicalInterface::getLight(CORBA::char* lightName)
-     {
-         if (lightName == "OFF")
-             return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_OFF;
-         else
-             return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_ON;
-     }
-     std::string GraphicalInterface::parentName(CORBA::char* name)
-     {
-         std::string Name(name);
-         std::string::iterator parentNameIt;
-         for (std::string::iterator i = Name.end() ; (*i) != char('/') && i != Name.begin() ; i--) {
-             parentNameIt = i;
-         }
-         parentNameIt--;
-         std::string parentName;
-         for (std::string::iterator i = Name.begin(); i != parentNameIt; i++ ) {
-             parentName.push_back(*i);
-         }
-         return parentName;
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::initParent(CORBA::char* nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-     {
-         GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = groupNodes_[GraphicalInterface::parentName(nodeName)];
-         if ( groupNode ) {
-             groupNode->addChild(node);
-         }
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::addNode(const std::string &nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-     {
-         nodes_[nodeName] = node;
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::addGroup(const std::string &groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group)
-     {
-         groupNodes_[groupName] = group;
-         nodes_[groupName] = group;
-     }
-//Public functions
-     void GraphicalInterface::createWindow(CORBA::char* windowNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-         WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create();
-         windowManagers_[name] = newWindow;
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::createWindow(CORBA::char* name, const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create(x, y, width, height);
-         windowManagers_[name] = newWindow;
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::createScene(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-         GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-         addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::createSceneWithFloor(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-         GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-         addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-         std::string floorName = sceneName + "/floor";
-         LeafNodeGroundPtr_t floor = LeafNodeGround::create(floorName);
-         addNode(floorName, floor);
-         mainNode->addChild(floor);
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::addSceneToWindow(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba,CORBA::char* windowNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-	 std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-         windowManagers_[windowName]->addNode(groupNodes_[sceneName]);
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::addBox(CORBA::char* boxName, CORBA::Float boxSize1, CORBA::Float boxSize2, CORBA::Float boxSize3, CORBA::char* colorName)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3), color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
-         addNode(boxName, box);
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::addBox(CORBA::char* boxNameCorba, CORBA::Float boxSize1, CORBA::Float boxSize2, CORBA::Float boxSize3)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
-         LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3));
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
-         addNode(boxName, box);
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(CORBA::char* capsuleNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
-         LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
-         addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(CORBA::char* capsuleName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height, color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
-         addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::addMesh(CORBA::char* meshNameCorba, CORBA::char* meshPathCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string meshName(meshNameCorba);
-	 std::string meshPath(meshPathCorba);
-         LeafNodeColladaPtr_t mesh = LeafNodeCollada::create(meshName, meshPath);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(meshName, mesh);
-         addNode(meshName, mesh);
-     }
-     void GraphicalInterface::addCone(CORBA::char* coneNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
-         LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
-         addNode(coneName, cone);
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::addCone(CORBA::char* coneName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height, color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
-         addNode(coneName, cone);
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(CORBA::char* cylinderNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
-         LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
-         addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(CORBA::char* cylinderName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
-         addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::addSphere(CORBA::char* sphereNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
-         LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
-         addNode(sphereName, sphere);
-     }
-     /*void GraphicalInterface::addSphere(CORBA::char* sphereName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::char* colorName)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
-         addNode(sphereName, sphere);
-     }*/
-     void GraphicalInterface::createGroup(CORBA::char* groupNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
-         GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = GroupNode::create(groupName);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(groupName, groupNode);
-         addGroup(groupName, groupNode);
-     }
-     CORBA::boolean GraphicalInterface::addToGroup(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* groupNameCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-	 std::stirng groupName(groupNameCorba);
-         NodePtr_t node = nodes_[nodeName];
-         GroupNodePtr_t group = groupNodes_[groupName];
-         if (!node || !group) {
-             return false;
-         }
-         else {
-             group->addChild(node);
-             return true;
-         }
-     }
-     CORBA::boolean GraphicalInterface::applyConfiguration(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::Float configuration)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-         NodePtr_t node = nodes_[nodeName];
-         if (!node)
-             return false;
-         //node->applyConfiguration(configuration);
-         return true;
-     }
-     CORBA::boolean GraphicalInterface::setVisibility(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* visibilityModeCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-	 std::string visibilityMode(visibilityModeCorba);
-         VisibilityMode visibility =  getVisibility(visibilityMode);
-         NodePtr_t node = nodes_[nodeName];
-         if (!node)
-             return false;
-         node->setVisibilityMode(visibility);
-         return true;
-     }
-     CORBA::boolean GraphicalInterface::setWireFrameMode(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* wireFrameModeCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-	 std::string wireFrameMode(wireFrameModeCorba);
-         WireFrameMode wire = getWire(wireFrameMode);
-         NodePtr_t node = nodes_[nodeName];
-         if (!node)
-             return false;
-         node->setWireFrameMode(wire);
-         return true;
-     }
-     CORBA::boolean GraphicalInterface::setLightingMode(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* lightingModeCorba)
-	throw (Error)
-     {
-	 std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-	 std::string lightingMode(lightingModeCorba);
-         LightingMode light = getLight(lightingMode);
-         NodePtr_t node = nodes_[nodeName];
-         if (!node)
-             return false;
-         node->setLightingMode(light);
-         return true;
-     }
diff --git a/src/GraphicalInterface.hh~ b/src/GraphicalInterface.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index 431722a..0000000
--- a/src/GraphicalInterface.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-//  GraphicalObjectOSG.h
-//  DynAndGraphics
-//  Created by Justin Carpentier on 06/02/2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 Justin Carpentier. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __DynAndGraphics__GraphicalInterface__
-#define __DynAndGraphics__GraphicalInterface__
-#include "../../SceneViewer/WindowManager.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/Node.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/GroupNode.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeBox.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeCapsule.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeCone.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeCylinder.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeLine.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeSphere.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/macros.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/configOSG.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeGround.h"
-#include "../../SceneViewer/LeafNodeCollada.h"
-#include "../idl/sceneViewer.hh"
-namespace Graphics {
-   DEF_CLASS_SMART_PTR(GraphicalInterface)
-   class GraphicalInterface : public virtual POA_Graphics::sceneViewer
-   {
-   private:
-       std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t> windowManagers_;
-       std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t> nodes_;
-       std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t> groupNodes_;
-       static osgVector4 getColor(const std::string& colorName);
-       static std::string parentName(const std::string& name);
-       static VisibilityMode getVisibility(const std::string& visibilityName);
-       static WireFrameMode getWire(const std::string& wireName);
-       static LightingMode getLight(const std::string& lightName);
-       void initParent(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node);
-       void addNode(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node);
-       void addGroup(const std::string& groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group);
-   protected:
-       /**
-        \brief Default constructor
-        */
-       GraphicalInterface ();
-   public:
-       /** Static method which create a new box defined by the half_axis vector
-        */
-       static GraphicalInterfacePtr_t create();
-       virtual void createWindow(CORBA::char* windowNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void createWindow(CORBA::char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) throw (Error);
-       virtual void createScene(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual void createSceneWithFloor(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual void addSceneToWindow(CORBA::char* sceneNameCorba, CORBA::char* windowNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void addBox(CORBA::char* boxName, CORBA::Float boxSize1, CORBA::Float boxSize2, CORBA::Float boxSize3, CORBA::char* colorName);
-       virtual void addBox(CORBA::char* boxNameCorba, CORBA::Float boxSize1, CORBA::Float boxSize2, CORBA::Float boxSize3) throw (Error);
-       virtual void addCapsule(CORBA::char* capsuleNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void addCapsule(CORBA::char* capsuleName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName);
-       virtual void addMesh(CORBA::char* meshNameCorba, CORBA::char* meshPathCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual void addCone(CORBA::char* coneNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void addCone(CORBA::char* coneName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName);
-       virtual void addCylinder(CORBA::char* cylinderNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void addCylinder(CORBA::char* cylinderName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::Float height, CORBA::char* colorName);
-       virtual void addSphere(CORBA::char* sphereNameCorba, CORBA::Float radius) throw (Error);
-       //virtual void addSphere(CORBA::char* sphereName, CORBA::Float radius, CORBA::char* colorName);
-       virtual void createGroup(CORBA::char* groupNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual CORBA::boolean addToGroup(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* groupNameCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual CORBA::boolean applyConfiguration(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::Float configuration) throw (Error);
-       virtual CORBA::boolean setVisibility(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* visibilityModeCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual CORBA::boolean setWireFrameMode(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* wireFrameModeCorba) throw (Error);
-       virtual CORBA::boolean setLightingMode(CORBA::char* nodeNameCorba, CORBA::char* lightingModeCorba) throw (Error);
-   };
-} /* namespace Graphics */
-#endif /* defined(__DynAndGraphics__GraphicalInterface__) */
diff --git a/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp~ b/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp~
deleted file mode 100644
index fd44b2d..0000000
--- a/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.cpp~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-//  Corbaserver for SceneViewer
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert on November 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 Mathieu Geisert. All rights reserved.
-#include "GraphicalInterface.impl.hh"
-namespace Graphics { 
-namespace corbaServer {
-namespace impl {
-GraphicalInterface::GraphicalInterface(corbaServer::Server* server) :
-    windowManagers_(), nodes_(), groupNodes_(), server_(server), mtx_(), rate_(20), newNodeConfigurations_()
-osgVector4 GraphicalInterface::getColor(const std::string& colorName)
-    if (colorName == "blue")
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "green")
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "red")
-        return osgVector4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-    else if (colorName == "white")
-        return osgVector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-    else
-        return osgVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-VisibilityMode GraphicalInterface::getVisibility(const std::string& visibilityName)
-    if (visibilityName == "OFF")
-        return VISIBILITY_OFF;
-    else if (visibilityName == "ALWAYS_ON_TOP")
-        return ALWAYS_ON_TOP;
-    else if (visibilityName == "ON")
-        return VISIBILITY_ON;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Visibility mode not known, visibility mode can be \"ON\",\"OFF\" or \"ALWAYS_ON_TOP\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Visibility mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
-        return VISIBILITY_ON;
-    }
-WireFrameMode GraphicalInterface::getWire(const std::string& wireName)
-    if (wireName == "WIREFRAME")
-        return WIREFRAME;
-    else if (wireName == "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME")
-        return FILL_AND_WIREFRAME;
-    else if (wireName == "FILL")
-        return FILL;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Wire mode not known, wire mode can be \"FILL\",\"WIREFRAME\" or \"FILL_AND_WIREFRAME\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Wire mode set to default = \"FILL\"." << std::endl;
-        return FILL;
-    }
-LightingMode GraphicalInterface::getLight(const std::string& lightName)
-    if (lightName == "OFF")
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_OFF;
-    else if (lightName == "ON")
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_ON;
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Lighting mode not known, lighting mode can be \"ON\" or \"OFF\"." << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "Lighting mode set to default = \"ON\"." << std::endl;
-        return LIGHT_INFLUENCE_ON;
-    }
-std::string GraphicalInterface::parentName(const std::string& name)
-    std::string Name(name);
-    std::string::iterator parentNameIt;
-    for (std::string::iterator i = Name.end() ; (*i) != char('/') && i != Name.begin() ; i--) {
-        parentNameIt = i;
-    }
-    parentNameIt--;
-    std::string parentName;
-    for (std::string::iterator i = Name.begin(); i != parentNameIt; i++ ) {
-        parentName.push_back(*i);
-    }
-    return parentName;
-void GraphicalInterface::initParent(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-    GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = groupNodes_[GraphicalInterface::parentName(nodeName)];
-    if ( groupNode ) {
-        groupNode->addChild(node);
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::addNode(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node)
-    nodes_[nodeName] = node;
-void GraphicalInterface::addGroup(const std::string& groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group)
-    groupNodes_[groupName] = group;
-    nodes_[groupName] = group;
-void GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing(WindowManagerPtr_t window)
-    while (1)
-    {
-        mtx_.lock();
-        window->frame();
-        mtx_.unlock();
-        boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(rate_));
-    }
-osgQuat GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(const double* configurationCorba)
-    // configurationCorba = trans (x, y, z), quat(w, x, y, z)
-    // osgQuat = quat(x, y, z, w)
-    return osgQuat(configurationCorba[4], configurationCorba[5], configurationCorba[6], configurationCorba[3]);
-osgVector3 GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(const double* configurationCorba)
-    return osgVector3(configurationCorba[0], configurationCorba[1], configurationCorba[2]);
-//Public functions
-bool GraphicalInterface::setRate(CORBA::Long rate)
-    if ( rate <= 0 ) {
-        std::cout << "You should specify a positive rate" << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        rate_ = rate;
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba)
-    std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-    if ( windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << windowName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create();
-        windowManagers_[windowName] = newWindow;
-        boost::thread refreshThread(boost::bind(&GraphicalInterface::threadRefreshing, this, newWindow));
-        return true;
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::refresh()
-    mtx_.lock();
-    //refresh scene with the new configuration
-    for (std::list<NodeConfiguration>::iterator it = newNodeConfigurations_.begin() ; it != newNodeConfigurations_.end() ; it++ ) {
-        (*it).node->applyConfiguration((*it).position, (*it).quat);
-    }
-    mtx_.unlock();
-    newNodeConfigurations_.clear();
-/*void GraphicalInterface::createWindow(const char* name, const unsigned int& x, const unsigned int& y, const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height)
-     {
-         WindowManagerPtr_t newWindow = WindowManager::create(x, y, width, height);
-         windowManagers_[name] = newWindow;
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-        addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sceneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create(sceneName);
-        addGroup(sceneName, mainNode);
-        std::string floorName = sceneName + "/floor";
-        LeafNodeGroundPtr_t floor = LeafNodeGround::create(floorName);
-        addNode(floorName, floor);
-        mainNode->addChild(floor);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba,const char* windowNameCorba)
-    std::string sceneName(sceneNameCorba);
-    std::string windowName(windowNameCorba);
-    if (windowManagers_.find(windowName) != windowManagers_.end() && groupNodes_.find(sceneName) != groupNodes_.end() ) {
-        windowManagers_[windowName]->addNode(groupNodes_[sceneName]);
-        return true;
-    }
-    else {
-        std::cout << "Window name \"" << windowName << "\" and/or scene name \"" << sceneName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-/*void GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxName, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3, const char* colorName)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3), color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
-         addNode(boxName, box);
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, const float boxSize1, const float boxSize2, const float boxSize3)
-    std::string boxName(boxNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(boxName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << boxName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeBoxPtr_t box = LeafNodeBox::create(boxName, osgVector3(boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3));
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(boxName, box);
-        addNode(boxName, box);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    const std::string capsuleName(capsuleNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(capsuleName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << capsuleName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
-        addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*void GraphicalInterface::addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, const float radius, const float height, const char* colorName)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeCapsulePtr_t capsule = LeafNodeCapsule::create(capsuleName, radius, height, color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(capsuleName, capsule);
-         addNode(capsuleName, capsule);
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba)
-    std::string meshName(meshNameCorba);
-    std::string meshPath(meshPathCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(meshName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << meshName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        try {
-            LeafNodeColladaPtr_t mesh = LeafNodeCollada::create(meshName, meshPath);
-            GraphicalInterface::initParent(meshName, mesh);
-            addNode(meshName, mesh);
-            return true;
-        } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
-            std::cout << "Mesh \"" << meshPath << "\" not found." << std::endl;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    std::string coneName(coneNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(coneName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << coneName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
-        addNode(coneName, cone);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*void GraphicalInterface::addCone(const char* coneName, const float radius, const float height, const char* colorName)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeConePtr_t cone = LeafNodeCone::create(coneName, radius, height, color);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(coneName, cone);
-         addNode(coneName, cone);
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, const float radius, const float height)
-    std::string cylinderName(cylinderNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(cylinderName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << cylinderName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
-        addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
-        return true;
-    }
-/*void GraphicalInterface::addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, const float radius, const float height, const char* colorName)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeCylinderPtr_t cylinder = LeafNodeCylinder::create(cylinderName, radius, height);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(cylinderName, cylinder);
-         addNode(cylinderName, cylinder);
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, const float radius)
-    std::string sphereName(sphereNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(sphereName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << sphereName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
-        addNode(sphereName, sphere);
-        return true;
-    }
-void GraphicalInterface::getNodeList()
-    std::cout << "List of Nodes :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t>::iterator it=nodes_.begin(); it!=nodes_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "List of GroupNodes :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t>::iterator it=groupNodes_.begin(); it!=groupNodes_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-void GraphicalInterface::getWindowList()
-    std::cout << "List of Windows :" << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t>::iterator it=windowManagers_.begin(); it!=windowManagers_.end(); ++it)
-        std::cout << "   " << it->first << std::endl;
-/*void GraphicalInterface::addSphere(const char* sphereName, const float radius, const char* colorName)
-     {
-         osgVector4 color = getColor(colorName);
-         LeafNodeSpherePtr_t sphere = LeafNodeSphere::create(sphereName, radius);
-         GraphicalInterface::initParent(sphereName, sphere);
-         addNode(sphereName, sphere);
-     }*/
-bool GraphicalInterface::createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba)
-    const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(groupName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << groupName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t groupNode = GroupNode::create(groupName);
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(groupName, groupNode);
-        addGroup(groupName, groupNode);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba)
-    const std::string urdfName(urdfNameCorba);
-    const std::string urdfPath(urdfPathCorba);
-    const std::string urdfPackagePath(urdfPackagePathCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(urdfName) != nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "You need to chose an other name, \"" << urdfName << "\" already exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        GroupNodePtr_t urdf = URDFparser::parse(urdfName, urdfPath, urdfPackagePath);
-        NodePtr_t link;
-        for (int i=0 ; i< urdf->getNumOfChildren() ; i++) {
-            link = urdf->getChild(i);
-            nodes_[link->getID()] = link;
-        }
-        GraphicalInterface::initParent(urdfName, urdf);
-        addGroup(urdfName, urdf);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string groupName(groupNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end() || groupNodes_.find(groupName) == groupNodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node name \"" << nodeName << "\" and/or groupNode \"" << groupName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        groupNodes_[groupName]->addChild(nodes_[nodeName]);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configurationCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        //no node named nodeName
-        std::cout << "No Node named \"" << nodeName << "\"" << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    else {
-        NodeConfiguration newNodeConfiguration;
-        newNodeConfiguration.node = nodes_[nodeName];
-        try {
-            newNodeConfiguration.position = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgVec3(configurationCorba);
-            newNodeConfiguration.quat = GraphicalInterface::corbaConfToOsgQuat(configurationCorba);
-        } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
-            std::cout << "Error when converting configuration, configuration should be DOUBLE[7] = [transX, transY, transZ, quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ]" <<std::endl;
-            return false;
-        }
-        newNodeConfigurations_.push_back(newNodeConfiguration);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool GraphicalInterface::setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string visibilityMode(visibilityModeCorba);
-    VisibilityMode visibility =  getVisibility(visibilityMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setVisibilityMode(visibility);
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string wireFrameMode(wireFrameModeCorba);
-    WireFrameMode wire = getWire(wireFrameMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setWireFrameMode(wire);
-    return true;
-bool GraphicalInterface::setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba)
-    const std::string nodeName(nodeNameCorba);
-    const std::string lightingMode(lightingModeCorba);
-    LightingMode light = getLight(lightingMode);
-    if (nodes_.find(nodeName) == nodes_.end()) {
-        std::cout << "Node \"" << nodeName << "\" doesn't exist." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    nodes_[nodeName]->setLightingMode(light);
-    return true;
-} //end namespace impl
-} //end namespace corbaServer	
-} //end namespace Graphics
diff --git a/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.hh~ b/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index cc08cc4..0000000
--- a/src/GraphicalInterface.impl.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-//  GraphicalInterface.impl.hh
-//  Corbaserver for SceneViewer
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert on November 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-#include <Graphics/WindowManager.h>
-#include <Graphics/Node.h>
-#include <Graphics/GroupNode.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeBox.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeCapsule.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeCone.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeCylinder.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeLine.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeSphere.h>
-#include <Graphics/macros.h>
-#include <Graphics/config.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeGround.h>
-#include <Graphics/LeafNodeCollada.h>
-#include <Graphics/URDFparser.h>
-#include "server.hh"
-#include "graphicalinterface.hh"
-namespace Graphics {
-namespace corbaServer {
-namespace impl {
-struct NodeConfiguration {
-    NodePtr_t node;
-    osgVector3 position;
-    osgQuat quat;
-class GraphicalInterface : public virtual POA_Graphics::corbaserver::Graphicalinterface
-    std::map<std::string, WindowManagerPtr_t> windowManagers_;
-    std::map<std::string, NodePtr_t> nodes_;
-    std::map<std::string, GroupNodePtr_t> groupNodes_;
-    corbaServer::Server* server_;
-    boost::mutex mtx_;
-    int rate_;
-    std::list<NodeConfiguration> newNodeConfigurations_;
-    static osgVector4 getColor(const std::string& colorName);
-    static std::string parentName(const std::string& name);
-    static VisibilityMode getVisibility(const std::string& visibilityName);
-    static WireFrameMode getWire(const std::string& wireName);
-    static LightingMode getLight(const std::string& lightName);
-    void initParent(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node);
-    void addNode(const std::string& nodeName, NodePtr_t node);
-    void addGroup(const std::string& groupName, GroupNodePtr_t group);
-    void threadRefreshing(WindowManagerPtr_t window);
-    static osgQuat corbaConfToOsgQuat(const double* configurationCorba);
-    static osgVector3 corbaConfToOsgVec3(const double* configurationCorba);
-    /**
-        \brief Default constructor
-        */
-    GraphicalInterface (corbaServer::Server* server);
-    virtual void getNodeList();
-    virtual void getWindowList();
-    virtual bool setRate(CORBA::Long rate);
-    virtual void refresh();
-    virtual bool createWindow(const char* windowNameCorba);
-    //virtual void createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
-    virtual bool createScene(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneNameCorba, const char* windowNameCorba) ;
-    //virtual void addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const char* colorName);
-    virtual bool addBox(const char* boxNameCorba, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3) ;
-    virtual bool addCapsule(const char* capsuleNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //virtual void addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    virtual bool addMesh(const char* meshNameCorba, const char* meshPathCorba) ;
-    virtual bool addCone(const char* coneNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //virtual void addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    virtual bool addCylinder(const char* cylinderNameCorba, float radius, float height) ;
-    //virtual void addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    virtual bool addSphere(const char* sphereNameCorba, float radius) ;
-    //virtual void addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const char* colorName);
-    virtual bool addURDF(const char* urdfNameCorba, const char* urdfPathCorba, const char* urdfPackagePathCorba);
-    virtual bool createGroup(const char* groupNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool addToGroup(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* groupNameCorba) ;
-    virtual bool applyConfiguration(const char* nodeNameCorba, const double* configuration) ;
-    virtual bool setVisibility(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* visibilityModeCorba) ;
-    virtual bool setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* wireFrameModeCorba) ;
-    virtual bool setLightingMode(const char* nodeNameCorba, const char* lightingModeCorba) ;
-}; // end of class
-} /* namespace impl */
-} /* namespace corbaServer */
-} /* namespace Graphics */
-#endif /* defined(__DynAndGraphics__GraphicalInterface__) */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index 3a1cc24..0000000
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-//  C++ CORBA client interface for SceneViewer
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert in December 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include "client-cpp.hh"
-namespace Graphics { 
-namespace corbaServer {
-void ClientCpp::se3ToCorba(CORBA::Double* corbaPosition, const se3::SE3& se3position)
-    Eigen::Quaternion<double> q(se3position.rotation());
-    corbaPosition[0] = se3position.translation()(0);
-    corbaPosition[1] = se3position.translation()(1);
-    corbaPosition[2] = se3position.translation()(2);    
-    corbaPosition[3] = q.w();
-    corbaPosition[4] = q.x();
-    corbaPosition[5] = q.y();
-    corbaPosition[5] = q.z();        
-    int    argc=0;       // Dummy variables to support following call.
-    char** argv=0;
-    orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);
-    // Get a reference to the Naming Service
-    CORBA::Object_var rootContextObj = 
-        orb_->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
-    CosNaming::NamingContext_var nc =
-	CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(;
-    CosNaming::Name name;
-    name.length(2);
-    name[0].id = (const char *) "Graphics";
-    name[0].kind = (const char *) "corbaserver";
-    name[1].id = (const char *) "basic";
-    name[1].kind = (const char *) "graphicalinterface";
-    // Invoke the root context to retrieve the object reference
-    CORBA::Object_var managerObj = nc->resolve(name);
-    // Narrow the previous object to obtain the correct type
-    manager_ = Graphics::corbaserver::Graphicalinterface::_narrow(;
-    //manager_->shutdown();
-    if (!CORBA::is_nil(orb_)) {
-	try {
-	    orb_->destroy();
-	    std::cout << "Ending CORBA..." << std::endl;
-	} catch(const CORBA::Exception& e) {
-	    std::cout << "orb->destroy failed" << std::endl;
-	}
-    }
-void ClientCpp::getNodeList()
-   manager_->getNodeList();
-void ClientCpp::getWindowList()
-   manager_->getWindowList();
-bool ClientCpp::setRate(int  rate)
-   return manager_->setRate(rate);
-void ClientCpp::refresh()
-    manager_->refresh();
-bool ClientCpp::createWindow(const char* windowName)
-    return manager_->createWindow(windowName);
-    //void ClientCpp::createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
-bool ClientCpp::createScene(const char* sceneName)
-    return manager_->createScene(sceneName);
-bool ClientCpp::createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneName)
-    return manager_->createSceneWithFloor(sceneName);
-bool ClientCpp::addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneName, const char* windowName)
-   return  manager_->addSceneToWindow(sceneName, windowName);
-    //void ClientCpp::addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const char* colorName);
-bool ClientCpp::addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3)
-    return manager_->addBox(boxName, boxSize1, boxSize2, boxSize3);
-bool ClientCpp::addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCapsule(capsuleName, radius, height);
-    //void ClientCpp::addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-bool ClientCpp::addMesh(const char* meshName, const char* meshPath)
-    return manager_->addMesh(meshName, meshPath);
-bool ClientCpp::addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCone(coneName, radius, height);
-    //void ClientCpp::addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-bool ClientCpp::addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height)
-    return manager_->addCylinder(cylinderName, radius, height);
-    //void ClientCpp::addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-bool ClientCpp::addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius)
-    return manager_->addSphere(sphereName, radius);
-    //void ClientCpp::addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const char* colorName);
-bool ClientCpp::addURDF(const char* urdfName, const char* urdfPath, const char* urdfPackagePath)
-    return manager_->addURDF(urdfName, urdfPath, urdfPackagePath);
-bool ClientCpp::createGroup(const char* groupName)
-    return manager_->createGroup(groupName);
-bool ClientCpp::addToGroup(const char* nodeName, const char* groupName)
-    return manager_->addToGroup(nodeName, groupName);
-bool ClientCpp::applyConfiguration(const char* nodeName, const se3::SE3& se3position)
-    CORBA::Double corbaPosition[7];
-    ClientCpp::se3ToCorba(corbaPosition, se3position);
-    return manager_->applyConfiguration(nodeName, corbaPosition);
-bool ClientCpp::setVisibility(const char* nodeName, const char* visibilityMode)
-    return manager_->setVisibility(nodeName, visibilityMode);
-bool ClientCpp::setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeName, const char* wireFrameMode)
-    return manager_->setWireFrameMode(nodeName, wireFrameMode);
-bool ClientCpp::setLightingMode(const char* nodeName, const char* lightingMode)
-    return manager_->setLightingMode(nodeName, lightingMode);
-} // end of namespace corbaserver
-} // end of namespace Graphics
diff --git a/src/client-cpp.hh~ b/src/client-cpp.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e883e..0000000
--- a/src/client-cpp.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-//  client-cpp.hh
-//  C++ CORBA client interface for SceneViewer.
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert in December 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
-#include "se3.hpp"
-#include "graphicalinterface.hh"
-namespace Graphics {
-namespace corbaServer {
-class ClientCpp
-    CORBA::ORB_var orb_;
-    Graphics::corbaserver::Graphicalinterface_var manager_;
-    static void se3ToCorba(CORBA::Double* corbaPosition, const se3::SE3& se3position);
-    // Default constructor
-    ClientCpp();
-    // Default destructor
-    ~ClientCpp();
-    void getNodeList();
-    void getWindowList();
-    bool setRate(int rate);
-    void refresh();
-    bool createWindow(const char* windowName);
-    //void createWindow(const char* name, CORBA::ULong x, CORBA::ULong y, CORBA::ULong width, CORBA::ULong height) ;
-    bool createScene(const char* sceneName) ;
-    bool createSceneWithFloor(const char* sceneName) ;
-    bool addSceneToWindow(const char* sceneName, const char* windowName) ;
-    //void addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3, const char* colorName);
-    bool addBox(const char* boxName, float boxSize1, float boxSize2, float boxSize3) ;
-    bool addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCapsule(const char* capsuleName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    bool addMesh(const char* meshName, const char* meshPath) ;
-    bool addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCone(const char* coneName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    bool addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height) ;
-    //void addCylinder(const char* cylinderName, float radius, float height, const char* colorName);
-    bool addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius) ;
-    //void addSphere(const char* sphereName, float radius, const char* colorName);
-    bool addURDF(const char* urdfName, const char* urdfPath, const char* urdfPackagePath);
-    bool createGroup(const char* groupName) ;
-    bool addToGroup(const char* nodeName, const char* groupName) ;
-    bool applyConfiguration(const char* nodeName, const se3::SE3& se3position) ;
-    bool setVisibility(const char* nodeName, const char* visibilityMode) ;
-    bool setWireFrameMode(const char* nodeName, const char* wireFrameMode) ;
-    bool setLightingMode(const char* nodeName, const char* lightingMode) ;
-}; //end of class ClientCpp
-} //end of namespace corbaserver
-} //end of namespace Graphics
-#endif // __DynAndGraphics__clientCpp__
diff --git a/src/erreur.txt~ b/src/erreur.txt~
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index 6c4dc0e..0000000
--- a/src/erreur.txt~
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@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer_Helper::duplicate(Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer*)': undefined reference to `omni::duplicateObjRef(omniObjRef*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_duplicate(Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer*)': undefined reference to `omni::duplicateObjRef(omniObjRef*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_narrow(CORBA::Object*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_realNarrow(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_unchecked_narrow(CORBA::Object*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_uncheckedNarrow(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_nil()': undefined reference to `omni::nilRefLock()' undefined reference to `omni::registerNilCorbaObject(CORBA::Object*)' undefined reference to `omni::nilRefLock()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::~_objref_sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::~omniObjRef()' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::~_objref_sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::~omniObjRef()' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::_objref_sceneViewer(omniIOR*, omniIdentity*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::omniObjRef(char const*, omniIOR*, omniIdentity*, bool)' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::_ptrToObjRef(char const*)': undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PD_repoId' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PD_repoId'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::createWindow(char const*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::createScene(char const*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::createSceneWithFloor(char const*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::addSceneToWindow(char const*, char const*)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::addBox(char const*, float, float, float)': undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)'
-/tmp/ more undefined references to `omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&, bool)' follow
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_pof_sceneViewer::~_pof_sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `omni::proxyObjectFactory::~proxyObjectFactory()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer::~_impl_sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer::~_impl_sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer::_dispatch(omniCallHandle&)': undefined reference to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)' undefined reference to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)' undefined reference to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)' undefined reference to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)' undefined reference to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)'
-/tmp/ more undefined references to `omniCallHandle::upcall(omniServant*, omniCallDescriptor&)' follow
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer::_ptrToInterface(char const*)': undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PD_repoId' undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PD_repoId'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::~sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()' undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()' undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::~sceneViewer()': undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()' undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()' undefined reference to `omniServant::~omniServant()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)': undefined reference to `omni_thread::init_t::init_t()' undefined reference to `omni_thread::init_t::~init_t()' undefined reference to `_omniFinalCleanup::_omniFinalCleanup()' undefined reference to `_omniFinalCleanup::~_omniFinalCleanup()' undefined reference to `omni::omniORB_4_1'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `_CORBA_String_helper::free(char*)':[_CORBA_String_helper::free(char*)]+0xd): undefined reference to `_CORBA_String_helper::empty_string'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `cdrStream::marshalString(char const*, int)':[cdrStream::marshalString(char const*, int)]+0x26): undefined reference to `omni::ucheckFail(char const*, int, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `CORBA::Object::Object()':[_ZN5CORBA6ObjectC5Ev]+0x8): undefined reference to `vtable for CORBA::Object'[_ZN5CORBA6ObjectC5Ev]+0x18): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PR_magic'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `CORBA::Object::_PR_is_valid(CORBA::Object*)':[CORBA::Object::_PR_is_valid(CORBA::Object*)]+0x10): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_PR_magic'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `CORBA::is_nil(CORBA::Object*)':[CORBA::is_nil(CORBA::Object*)]+0x33): undefined reference to `_CORBA_use_nil_ptr_as_nil_objref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `CORBA::release(CORBA::Object*)':[CORBA::release(CORBA::Object*)]+0x60): undefined reference to `omni::releaseObjRef(omniObjRef*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_unmarshalObjRef(cdrStream&)':[Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_unmarshalObjRef(cdrStream&)]+0x16): undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_unMarshal(char const*, cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::_objref_sceneViewer()':[Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::_objref_sceneViewer()]+0x1f): undefined reference to `omniObjRef::omniObjRef()'[Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer::_objref_sceneViewer()]+0x75): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::~Object()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::_pof_sceneViewer::_pof_sceneViewer()':[_ZN8Graphics11corbaserver16_pof_sceneViewerC5Ev]+0x17): undefined reference to `omni::proxyObjectFactory::proxyObjectFactory(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_marshalObjRef(Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer*, cdrStream&)':[Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_marshalObjRef(Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer*, cdrStream&)]+0x26): undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_marshal(omniObjRef*, cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `omniCallDescriptor::omniCallDescriptor(void (*)(omniCallDescriptor*, omniServant*), char const*, int, bool, char const* const*, int, bool)':[_ZN18omniCallDescriptorC5EPFvPS_P11omniServantEPKcibPKS6_ib]+0x17): undefined reference to `vtable for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o: In function `omniCallDescriptor::~omniCallDescriptor()':[_ZN18omniCallDescriptorD5Ev]+0xb): undefined reference to `vtable for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xf4): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xfc): undefined reference to `omniServant::_is_a(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x100): undefined reference to `omniServant::_non_existent()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x104): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x10c): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x110): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x148): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_default_POA()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x14c): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x150): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x154): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x158): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_refcount_value()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x15c): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x160): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE0_N8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x9c): undefined reference to `omniServant::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE0_N8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xa4): undefined reference to `omniServant::_is_a(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE0_N8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xa8): undefined reference to `omniServant::_non_existent()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE0_N8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xb4): undefined reference to `omniServant::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE0_N8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xb8): undefined reference to `omniServant::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for PortableServer::ServantBase'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0xc): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x10): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x14): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_default_POA()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x18): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x1c): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x20): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x24): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_refcount_value()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x28): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x2c): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x5c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for PortableServer::ServantBase'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x60): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x64): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::~ServantBase()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x68): undefined reference to `omniServant::_ptrToInterface(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x6c): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x70): undefined reference to `omniServant::_mostDerivedRepoId()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x74): undefined reference to `omniServant::_is_a(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x78): undefined reference to `omniServant::_non_existent()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x7c): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_get_interface()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x80): undefined reference to `omniServant::_dispatch(omniCallHandle&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x84): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTCN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE20_N14PortableServer11ServantBaseE[vtable for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x88): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to PortableServer::ServantBase::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0x9c): undefined reference to `omniServant::_downcast()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0xa4): undefined reference to `omniServant::_is_a(char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0xa8): undefined reference to `omniServant::_non_existent()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0xb4): undefined reference to `omniServant::_add_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0xb8): undefined reference to `omniServant::_remove_ref()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000]+0x18): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000]+0x24): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::marshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000]+0x18): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000]+0x24): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::marshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000]+0x18): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000]+0x24): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::marshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000]+0x18): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000]+0x24): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::marshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000]+0x10): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::initialiseCall(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000]+0x18): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000]+0x1c): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::userException(cdrStream&, omni::IOP_C*, char const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTV33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000[vtable for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_00000000]+0x24): undefined reference to `omniCallDescriptor::marshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x40): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_non_existent()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x44): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_NP_incrRefCount()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x48): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_NP_decrRefCount()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x6c): undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_localServantTarget()'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTVN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[vtable for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x70): undefined reference to `omniObjRef::_enableShortcut(omniServant*, bool const*)'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_21000000]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_01000000]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_d0000000]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_80000000]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_60000000]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTI33_0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000[typeinfo for _0RL_cd_1340db5341f970cc_40000000]+0x8): more undefined references to `typeinfo for omniCallDescriptor' follow
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTIN12POA_Graphics11corbaserver11sceneViewerE[typeinfo for POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer]+0x18): undefined reference to `typeinfo for PortableServer::ServantBase'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTIN8Graphics11corbaserver17_impl_sceneViewerE[typeinfo for Graphics::corbaserver::_impl_sceneViewer]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniServant'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTIN8Graphics11corbaserver16_pof_sceneViewerE[typeinfo for Graphics::corbaserver::_pof_sceneViewer]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omni::proxyObjectFactory'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTIN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[typeinfo for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::Object'
-/tmp/cc7FAfgc.o:(.rodata._ZTIN8Graphics11corbaserver19_objref_sceneViewerE[typeinfo for Graphics::corbaserver::_objref_sceneViewer]+0x18): undefined reference to `typeinfo for omniObjRef'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)': undefined reference to `omni_thread::init_t::init_t()' undefined reference to `omni_thread::init_t::~init_t()' undefined reference to `_omniFinalCleanup::_omniFinalCleanup()' undefined reference to `_omniFinalCleanup::~_omniFinalCleanup()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_String_member::_CORBA_String_member()':[_ZN20_CORBA_String_memberC5Ev]+0x5): undefined reference to `_CORBA_String_helper::empty_string'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_String_member::operator=(_CORBA_String_member const&)':[_CORBA_String_member::operator=(_CORBA_String_member const&)]+0x2a): undefined reference to `_CORBA_String_helper::empty_string'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `CORBA::Object_var::Object_var()':[_ZN5CORBA10Object_varC5Ev]+0x7): undefined reference to `CORBA::Object::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `CORBA::ORB_var::ORB_var()':[_ZN5CORBA7ORB_varC5Ev]+0x7): undefined reference to `CORBA::ORB::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_this()':[POA_Graphics::corbaserver::sceneViewer::_this()]+0x21): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_this(char const*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x130): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::Exception'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x134): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::SystemException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x138): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::UserException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x304): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::Exception'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x308): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::SystemException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x30c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::UserException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x410): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x414): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x418): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::ORB::InvalidName'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x424): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::Exception'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x428): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::SystemException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x42c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::UserException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x46c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x470): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::SystemException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x474): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x548): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::Exception'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x54c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::SystemException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o:(.gcc_except_table+0x550): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CORBA::UserException'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_Pseudo_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > >::operator[](unsigned long)':[_CORBA_Pseudo_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > >::operator[](unsigned long)]+0x12): undefined reference to `_CORBA_bound_check_error()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::operator[](unsigned long)':[_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::operator[](unsigned long)]+0x12): undefined reference to `_CORBA_bound_check_error()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::Server(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)':[_ZN3hpp5corba6ServerIN8Graphics11corbaServer18GraphicalInterfaceEEC5EiPPcbRKSs]+0x3c): undefined reference to `omniORB::setLogFunction(void (*)(char const*))'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> >::_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member()':[_ZN23_CORBA_PseudoObj_MemberIN5CORBA6PolicyE20_CORBA_PseudoObj_VarIS1_EEC5Ev]+0x7): undefined reference to `CORBA::Policy::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> >::operator=(_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > const&)':[_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> >::operator=(_CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > const&)]+0x48): undefined reference to `CORBA::Policy::_duplicate(CORBA::Policy*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<PortableServer::POA>::_CORBA_PseudoObj_Var()':[_ZN20_CORBA_PseudoObj_VarIN14PortableServer3POAEEC5Ev]+0x12): undefined reference to `PortableServer::POA::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_ObjRef_Var<CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext, CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper>::_CORBA_ObjRef_Var()':[_ZN17_CORBA_ObjRef_VarIN9CosNaming21_objref_NamingContextENS0_20NamingContext_HelperEEC5Ev]+0x12): undefined reference to `CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_ObjRef_Var<CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext, CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper>::~_CORBA_ObjRef_Var()':[_ZN17_CORBA_ObjRef_VarIN9CosNaming21_objref_NamingContextENS0_20NamingContext_HelperEED5Ev]+0xf): undefined reference to `CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper::release(CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::initORBandServers(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)':[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::initORBandServers(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)]+0x5a): undefined reference to `CORBA::ORB_init(int&, char**, char const*, char const* (*) [2])'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::initORBandServers(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)]+0x107): undefined reference to `PortableServer::POA::_narrow(CORBA::Object*)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::initORBandServers(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)]+0x1bd): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_duplicate(PortableServer::ThreadPolicy*)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::initORBandServers(int, char**, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)]+0xcd9): undefined reference to `PortableServer::POAManager::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createHppContext(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)':[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createHppContext(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)]+0x66): undefined reference to `CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(CORBA::Object*)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createHppContext(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)]+0x166): undefined reference to `CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext::bind_new_context(CosNaming::Name const&)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createHppContext(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)]+0x71f): undefined reference to `CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext::resolve(CosNaming::Name const&)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createHppContext(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)]+0x741): undefined reference to `CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(CORBA::Object*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::length(unsigned long)':[_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::length(unsigned long)]+0x1c): undefined reference to `_CORBA_bound_check_error()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::bindObjectToName(CORBA::Object*, CosNaming::Name)':[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::bindObjectToName(CORBA::Object*, CosNaming::Name)]+0x28): undefined reference to `CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext::bind(CosNaming::Name const&, CORBA::Object*)'[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::bindObjectToName(CORBA::Object*, CosNaming::Name)]+0x7d): undefined reference to `CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext::rebind(CosNaming::Name const&, CORBA::Object*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<PortableServer::ThreadPolicy>::_CORBA_PseudoObj_Var()':[_ZN20_CORBA_PseudoObj_VarIN14PortableServer12ThreadPolicyEEC5Ev]+0x12): undefined reference to `PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_Pseudo_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > >::length(unsigned long)':[_CORBA_Pseudo_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Member<CORBA::Policy, _CORBA_PseudoObj_Var<CORBA::Policy> > >::length(unsigned long)]+0x65): undefined reference to `_CORBA_new_operator_return_null()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createAndActivateServers()':[hpp::corba::Server<Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface>::createAndActivateServers()]+0x1b): undefined reference to `Graphics::corbaServer::GraphicalInterface::GraphicalInterface()'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_ObjRef_Var<CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext, CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper>::operator=(CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext*)':[_CORBA_ObjRef_Var<CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext, CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper>::operator=(CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext*)]+0xf): undefined reference to `CosNaming::NamingContext_Helper::release(CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext*)'
-/tmp/cckfoQVU.o: In function `_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::copybuffer(unsigned long)':[_CORBA_Sequence<CosNaming::NameComponent>::copybuffer(unsigned long)]+0x1b): undefined reference to `_CORBA_new_operator_return_null()'
-collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
diff --git a/src/fwd.hh~ b/src/fwd.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index a04b44d..0000000
--- a/src/fwd.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-//FIXME: should be replaced by CORBA base types forward declarations.
-# include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
-namespace Graphics
-  namespace corbaServer
-  {
-    class Server;
-    namespace impl
-    {
-      using CORBA::Boolean;
-      using CORBA::Double;
-      using CORBA::Short;
-      using CORBA::SystemException;
-      using CORBA::ULong;
-      using CORBA::UShort;
-      class GraphicalInterface;
-      class Server;
-    } // end of namespace impl
-  } // end of namespace corbaServer.
-} // end of namespace hpp.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index bae8cbf..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 14 by Mathieu Geisert LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include <iostream>
-#include "server.hh"
-using Graphics::corbaServer::Server;
-main (int argc, const char* argv[])
-  //hpp::core::ProblemSolverPtr_t problemSolver = new hpp::core::ProblemSolver;
-  Server server (argc, argv, true);
-  server.startCorbaServer ();
-  server.processRequest(true);
diff --git a/src/sceneViewer.idl~ b/src/sceneViewer.idl~
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bc6fc5..0000000
--- a/src/sceneViewer.idl~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// file sceneViewer.idl
-module Graphics {
-module corbaserver {
-  /// Corba exception travelling through the Corba channel
-  exception Error
-  {
-    string msg;
-  };
-  interface sceneViewer {
-    // Compute the sum of two real numbers.
-       void createWindow(in string name) ;
-       //void createWindow(in string name, in unsigned long x, in unsigned long y, in unsigned long width, in unsigned long height) ;
-       void createScene(in string sceneName) ;
-       void createSceneWithFloor(in string sceneName) ;
-       void addSceneToWindow(in string sceneName, in string windowName) ;
-       //void addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3, in string colorName) ;
-       void addBox(in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3) ;
-       void addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height) ;
-       //void addCapsule(in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) ;
-       void addMesh(in string meshName, in string meshPath) ;
-       void addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height) ;
-       //void addCone(in string coneName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) ;
-       void addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height) ;
-       //void addCylinder(in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height, in string colorName) ;
-       void addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius) ;
-       //void addSphere(in string sphereName, in float radius, in string colorName) ;
-       void createGroup(in string groupName) ;
-       boolean addToGroup(in string nodeName, in string groupName) ;
-       boolean applyConfiguration(in string nodeName, in float configuration) ;
-       boolean setVisibility(in string nodeName, in string visibilityMode) ;
-       boolean setWireFrameMode(in string nodeName, in string wireFrameMode) ;
-       boolean setLightingMode(in string nodeName, in string lightingMode) ;
-  };
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4119c9..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 by Mathieu Geisert, LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "GraphicalInterface.impl.hh"
-#include "server-private.hh"
-#include "fwd.hh"
-namespace Graphics
-  namespace corbaServer
-  {
-    namespace impl
-    {
-      using CORBA::Exception;
-      using CORBA::ORB_init;
-      using CORBA::Object_ptr;
-      using CORBA::Object_var;
-      using CORBA::PolicyList;
-      using CORBA::SystemException;
-      using CORBA::COMM_FAILURE;
-      using omniORB::fatalException;
-      typedef CORBA::ORB::InvalidName InvalidName;
-      Server::~Server ()
-      {
-	delete graphicalInterfaceServantid_;
-      }
-      void
-      Server::createAndActivateServers (corbaServer::Server* inServer)
-      {
-	graphicalInterfaceServant_ = new GraphicalInterface (inServer);
-	graphicalInterfaceServantid_ = poa_->activate_object(graphicalInterfaceServant_);
-      }
-      void Server::deactivateAndDestroyServers()
-      {
-	  poa_->deactivate_object(*graphicalInterfaceServantid_);
-	  delete graphicalInterfaceServant_;
-      }
-      void Server::createContext ()
-      {
-	CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext;
-	Object_var localObj;
-	CosNaming::Name contextName;
-	// Obtain a reference to the root context of the Name service:
-	localObj = orb_->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
-	try {
-	  // Narrow the reference returned.
-	  rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(localObj);
-	  if( is_nil(rootContext) ) {
-	    std::string msg ("Failed to narrow the root naming context.");
-	    throw std::runtime_error (msg.c_str ());
-	  }
-	}
-	catch(InvalidName& ex) {
-	  // This should not happen!
-	  std::string msg ("Service required is invalid [does not exist].");
-	  throw std::runtime_error (msg.c_str ());
-	}
-	// Bind a context called "Graphics" to the root context:
-	contextName.length(1);
-	contextName[0].id   = (const char*) "Graphics";       // string copied
-	contextName[0].kind = (const char*) "corbaserver"; // string copied
-	// Note on kind: The kind field is used to indicate the type
-	// of the object. This is to avoid conventions such as that used
-	// by files (name.type -- e.g. = postscript etc.)
-	try {
-	  // Bind the context to root.
-	  Context_ = rootContext->bind_new_context(contextName);
-	}
-	catch(CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound& ex) {
-	  // If the context already exists, this exception will be raised.
-	  // In this case, just resolve the name and assign Context
-	  // to the object returned:
-	  Object_var localObj;
-	  localObj = rootContext->resolve(contextName);
-	  Context_ = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(localObj);
-	  if( is_nil(Context_) ) {
-	    std::string msg ("Failed to narrow naming context.");
-	    throw std::runtime_error (msg.c_str ());
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      void Server::bindObjectToName(Object_ptr objref,
-				    CosNaming::Name objectName)
-      {
-	try {
-	  Context_->bind(objectName, objref);
-	}
-	catch(CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound& ex) {
-	  Context_->rebind(objectName, objref);
-	}
-	// Note: Using rebind() will overwrite any Object previously bound
-	//       to /hpp/RobotConfig with localObj.
-	//       Alternatively, bind() can be used, which will raise a
-	//       CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound exception if the name
-	//       supplied is already bound to an object.
-	// Amendment: When using OrbixNames, it is necessary to first
-	// try bind and then rebind, as rebind on it's own will throw
-	// a NotFoundexception if the Name has not already been
-	// bound. [This is incorrect behaviour - it should just bind].
-      }
-    } // end of namespace impl.
-  } // end of namespace corbaServer.
-} // end of namespace Graphics.
diff --git a/src/server-private.hh~ b/src/server-private.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index af5c7d4..0000000
--- a/src/server-private.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Mathieu Geisert, LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include "GraphicalInterface.impl.hh"
-#include "fwd.hh"
-namespace Graphics
-  namespace corbaServer
-  {
-    namespace impl
-    {
-      class Server
-      {
-      public:
-	~Server ();
-	/// \brief Create and activate the Corba servers.
-	void createAndActivateServers (Graphics::corbaServer::Server* server);
-      private:
-	CORBA::ORB_var orb_;
-	PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
-	GraphicalInterface* graphicalInterfaceServant_;
-	/// \brief It seems that we need to store this object to
-	/// deactivate the server.
-	PortableServer::ObjectId* graphicalInterfaceServantid_;
-	/// \brief Corba context.
-	CosNaming::NamingContext_var Context_;
-	/// \brief Create context.
-	void createContext ();
-	/// \brief Store objects in Corba name service.
-	void bindObjectToName
-	(CORBA::Object_ptr objref, CosNaming::Name objectName);
-	/// \brief Deactivate and destroy servers
-	///
-	/// Destroying active servers raises a Corba exception.
-	void deactivateAndDestroyServers ();
-	friend class corbaServer::Server;
-      };
-    } // end of namespace impl.
-  } // end of namespace corbaServer.
-} // end of namespace hpp.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 988cf64..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014, 2010 by Mathieu Geisert, LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "server.hh"
-#include "server-private.hh"
-namespace Graphics
-  namespace corbaServer
-  {
-    using CORBA::Exception;
-    using CORBA::Object_var;
-    using CORBA::SystemException;
-    using CORBA::ORB_init;
-    using CORBA::PolicyList;
-    using omniORB::fatalException;
-    //namespace
-    //{
-      /// \brief Forward logging messages to hpp logging mechanism.
-      /// If debug is disabled, CORBA logging will be disabled too.
-      ///
-      /// Tracing has to be enabled in your ``omniORB.cfg'' to use this
-      /// feature.
-      /// See ``omniORB configuration and API'' > ``Tracing options''
-      /// section of omniORB manual for more information.
-      //void logFunction (const char* msg);
-    //} // end of anonymous namespace.
-    Server::Server(int argc, const char *argv[], bool inMultiThread)
-    {
-      private_ = new impl::Server;
-      initORBandServers (argc, argv, inMultiThread);
-    }
-    /// \brief Shutdown CORBA server
-    Server::~Server()
-    {
-      private_->deactivateAndDestroyServers();
-      private_->orb_->shutdown(0);
-      delete private_;
-      private_ = NULL;
-    }
-    void Server::initORBandServers(int argc, const char* argv[],
-				   bool inMultiThread)
-    {
-      Object_var obj;
-      PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var threadPolicy;
-      PortableServer::POA_var rootPoa;
-      /// ORB init
-      private_->orb_ = ORB_init (argc, const_cast<char **> (argv));
-      if (is_nil(private_->orb_)) {
-	std::string msg ("failed to initialize ORB");
-	throw std::runtime_error (msg.c_str ());
-      }
-      /// ORB init
-      obj = private_->orb_->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
-      /// Create thread policy
-      //
-      // Make the CORBA object single-threaded to avoid GUI krash
-      //
-      // Create a sigle threaded policy object
-      rootPoa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
-      if (inMultiThread) {
-	threadPolicy = rootPoa->create_thread_policy
-	  (PortableServer::ORB_CTRL_MODEL);
-      }
-      else {
-	threadPolicy = rootPoa->create_thread_policy
-	  (PortableServer::MAIN_THREAD_MODEL);
-      }
-      /// Duplicate thread policy
-      PolicyList policyList;
-      policyList.length(1);
-      policyList[0] = PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_duplicate(threadPolicy);
-      private_->poa_ = rootPoa->create_POA
-	("child", PortableServer::POAManager::_nil(), policyList);
-      // Destroy policy object
-      threadPolicy->destroy();
-      private_->createAndActivateServers(this);
-    }
-    void Server::startCorbaServer()
-    {
-      // Obtain a reference to objects, and register them in
-      // the naming service.
-      Object_var graphicalInterfaceObj = private_->graphicalInterfaceServant_->_this();
-      private_->createContext ();
-      // Bind graphicalInterfaceObj with name graphicalinterface to the Context:
-      CosNaming::Name objectName;
-      objectName.length(1);
-      objectName[0].id   = (const char*) "basic";   // string copied
-      objectName[0].kind = (const char*) "graphicalinterface"; // string copied
-      private_->bindObjectToName(graphicalInterfaceObj, objectName);
-      private_->graphicalInterfaceServant_->_remove_ref();
-      // Bind obstacleObj with name Obstacle to the hppContext:
-      //objectName.length(1);
-      //objectName[0].id   = (const char*) "basic"; // string copied
-      //objectName[0].kind = (const char*) "obstacle";   // string copied
-      //private_->bindObjectToName(obstacleObj, objectName);
-      //private_->obstacleServant_->_remove_ref();
-      // Bind problemObj with name Problem to the hppContext:
-      //objectName.length(1);
-      //objectName[0].id   = (const char*) "basic"; // string copied
-      //objectName[0].kind = (const char*) "problem";   // string copied
-      //private_->bindObjectToName(problemObj, objectName);
-      //private_->problemServant_->_remove_ref();
-      PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = private_->poa_->the_POAManager();
-      pman->activate();
-    }
-    /// \brief If CORBA requests are pending, process them
-    int Server::processRequest (bool loop)
-    {
-      if (loop)
-	{
-	  private_->orb_->run();
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if (private_->orb_->work_pending())
-	    private_->orb_->perform_work();
-	}
-      return 0;
-    }
-  } // end of namespace corbaServer.
-} // end of namespace Graphics.
diff --git a/src/server.hh~ b/src/server.hh~
deleted file mode 100644
index 36de3c8..0000000
--- a/src/server.hh~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 by Mathieu Geisert, LAAS-CNRS.
-// This file is part of the SceneViewer-corba.
-// This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
-// either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
-// implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
-// See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include "fwd.hh"
-namespace Graphics
-  namespace corbaServer
-  {
-    /// Implementation of Hpp module Corba server.
-    ///  This class initializes the Corba server and starts the following Corba interface implementations.
-    ///  \li hpp::Robot: to build a model::Device and to insert it in a core::ProblemSolver object,
-    ///  \li hpp::Obstacle: to build obstacles and insert them in a core::ProblemSolver object,
-    ///  \li hpp::Problem: to define a path planning problem and solve it.
-    ///  To use this object, call the constructor
-    ///  \code
-    ///  int argc=1;
-    ///  char *argv[1] = {"program"};
-    ///  core::ProblemSolverPtr_t problemSolver = new core::ProblemSolver;
-    ///  Server server(problemSolver, argc, argv, isMultiThread);
-    ///  \endcode
-    ///  where \c isMultiThread specifies whether the server should process
-    ///  requests using multi-thread policy of not.
-    ///  After starting a name server and configuring your Corba implementation,
-    ///  start the servers.
-    ///  \code
-    ///  server.startCorbaServer();
-    ///  \endcode
-    ///  Then, enter in the loop that handle the Corba requests
-    ///  \code
-    ///  server.processRequest(true);
-    ///  \endcode
-    ///  You can then send request to the servers.
-    {
-    public:
-      /// Constructor
-      /// \param problemSolver the object that will handle Corba requests.
-      /// \param argc, argv parameter to feed ORB initialization.
-      /// \param multiThread whether the server may process request using
-      ///        multithred policy.
-      /// \note It is recommended to configure your Corba implementation
-      ///       through environment variables and to set argc to 1 and argv to
-      ///       any string.
-      /// \note It is highly recommended not to enable multi-thread policy in
-      ///       CORBA request processing if this library is run from an openGL
-      ///       based GUI, since OpenGL does not support multithreading.
-      Server (int argc, const char* argv[], bool multiThread = false);
-      /// \brief Shutdown CORBA server
-      ~Server ();
-      /// \brief Initialize CORBA server to process requests from clients
-      /// \return 0 if success, -1 if failure.
-      void startCorbaServer ();
-      /// \brief If ORB work is pending, process it
-      /// \param loop if true, the function never returns,
-      ///             if false, the function processes pending requests and
-      ///             returns.
-      int processRequest (bool loop);
-      //core::ProblemSolverPtr_t problemSolver () const;
-      //core::ProblemSolverPtr_t problemSolver ();
-    private:
-      ///\name CORBA server initialization
-      /// \{
-      /// Initialize ORB and CORBA servers.
-      /// \param argc, argv parameter to feed ORB initialization.
-      /// \param multiThread whether the server may process request using
-      ///        multithred policy.
-      void initORBandServers (int argc, const char* argv[], bool multiThread);
-      /// \}
-      impl::Server* private_;
-    };
-  } // end of namespace corbaServer.
-} // end of namespace sceneViewer.
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index d70e321..0000000
--- a/test/
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-//  Test SceneViewer for C++ CORBA client
-//  Created by Mathieu Geisert in December 2014.
-//  Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
-#include "../src/client-cpp.hh"
-int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
-    using namespace Graphics;
-    using namespace corbaServer;
-    using namespace std;
-    ClientCpp client;
-    se3::SE3 position1 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position2 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position3 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position4 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    se3::SE3 position5 = se3::SE3::Random();
-    client.createWindow("window1");
-    client.createScene("scene1");
-    client.addSceneToWindow("scene1","window1");
-    client.addURDF("scene1/hrp2", "/local/mgeisert/devel/src/hrp2/hrp2_14_description/urdf/hrp2_14_capsule.urdf", "/local/mgeisert/devel/src/hrp2/");
-    sleep(15);
-    client.applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/RLEG_LINK0", position1);
-    client.applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/RLEG_LINK1", position2);
-    client.applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/LLEG_LINK1", position3);
-    client.applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/LLEG_LINK2", position4);
-    client.applyConfiguration("scene1/hrp2/BODY", position5);
-    client.refresh();
-    return 0;