diff --git a/src/distance_capsule_capsule.cpp b/src/distance_capsule_capsule.cpp
index 029c23680cddf7b9771990228e93dd909077f3b4..dcf98192e692ef3d0754ca1c279b91e59b55bac9 100644
--- a/src/distance_capsule_capsule.cpp
+++ b/src/distance_capsule_capsule.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include <hpp/fcl/shape/geometric_shapes.h>
 #include <../src/distance_func_matrix.h>
+#define CLAMP(value, l, u) fmax(fmin(value, u), l)
 // Note that partial specialization of template functions is not allowed.
 // Therefore, two implementations with the default narrow phase solvers are
 // provided. If another narrow phase solver were to be used, the default
@@ -25,299 +27,121 @@ namespace hpp
 namespace fcl {
   class GJKSolver;
+  // Compute the distance between C1 and C2 by computing the distance
+  // between the two segments supporting the capsules.
+  // Match algorithm of Real-Time Collision Detection, Christer Ericson - Closest Point of Two Line Segments
   template <>
-  FCL_REAL ShapeShapeDistance <Capsule, Capsule>
-  (const CollisionGeometry* o1, const Transform3f& tf1,
+  FCL_REAL ShapeShapeDistance <Capsule, Capsule> (const CollisionGeometry* o1, const Transform3f& tf1,
    const CollisionGeometry* o2, const Transform3f& tf2,
    const GJKSolver*, const DistanceRequest& request,
    DistanceResult& result)
-    const Capsule* c1 = static_cast <const Capsule*> (o1);
-    const Capsule* c2 = static_cast <const Capsule*> (o2);
+    const Capsule* capsule1 = static_cast <const Capsule*> (o1);
+    const Capsule* capsule2 = static_cast <const Capsule*> (o2);
+    FCL_REAL EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<FCL_REAL>::epsilon () * 100;
     // We assume that capsules are centered at the origin.
-    const fcl::Vec3f& center1 = tf1.getTranslation ();
-    const fcl::Vec3f& center2 = tf2.getTranslation ();
+    const fcl::Vec3f& c1 = tf1.getTranslation ();
+    const fcl::Vec3f& c2 = tf2.getTranslation ();
     // We assume that capsules are oriented along z-axis.
-    Matrix3f::ConstColXpr direction1 = tf1.getRotation ().col (2);
-    Matrix3f::ConstColXpr direction2 = tf2.getRotation ().col (2);
-    FCL_REAL halfLength1 = c1->halfLength;
-    FCL_REAL halfLength2 = c2->halfLength;
+    FCL_REAL halfLength1 = capsule1->halfLength;
+    FCL_REAL halfLength2 = capsule2->halfLength;
+    FCL_REAL radius1 = capsule1->radius;
+    FCL_REAL radius2 = capsule2->radius;
+    // direction of capsules
+    // ||d1|| = 2 * halfLength1
+    // Matrix3f::ConstColXpr d1 = 2 * halfLength1 * tf1.getRotation().col(2);
+    // Matrix3f::ConstColXpr d2 = 2 * halfLength2 * tf2.getRotation().col(2);
+    const fcl::Vec3f& d1 = 2 * halfLength1 * tf1.getRotation().col(2);
+    const fcl::Vec3f& d2 = 2 * halfLength2 * tf2.getRotation().col(2);
-    Vec3f diff = center1 - center2;
-    FCL_REAL a01 = -direction1.dot (direction2);
-    FCL_REAL b0 = diff.dot (direction1);
-    FCL_REAL b1 = -diff.dot (direction2);
-    FCL_REAL c = diff.squaredNorm ();
-    FCL_REAL det = fabs (1.0 - a01*a01);
-    FCL_REAL s1, s2, sqrDist, extDet0, extDet1, tmpS0, tmpS1;
-    FCL_REAL epsilon = std::numeric_limits<FCL_REAL>::epsilon () * 100;
+    // Starting point of the segments
+    // p1 + d1 is the end point of the segment
+    const fcl::Vec3f& p1 = c1 - d1 / 2;
+    const fcl::Vec3f& p2 = c2 - d2 / 2;
+    const fcl::Vec3f& r = p1-p2;
+    FCL_REAL a = d1.dot(d1);
+    FCL_REAL b = d1.dot(d2);
+    FCL_REAL c = d1.dot(r);
+    FCL_REAL e = d2.dot(d2);
+    FCL_REAL f = d2.dot(r);
+    // S1 is parametrized by the equation p1 + s * d1
+    // S2 is parametrized by the equation p2 + t * d2
+    FCL_REAL s = 0.0;
+    FCL_REAL t = 0.0;
-    if (det >= epsilon) {
-      // Segments are not parallel.
-      s1 = a01*b1 - b0;
-      s2 = a01*b0 - b1;
-      extDet0 = halfLength1*det;
-      extDet1 = halfLength2*det;
-      if (s1 >= -extDet0) {
-	if (s1 <= extDet0) {
-	  if (s2 >= -extDet1) {
-	    if (s2 <= extDet1) {  // region 0 (interior)
-	      // Minimum at interior points of segments.
-	      FCL_REAL invDet = (1.0)/det;
-	      s1 *= invDet;
-	      s2 *= invDet;
-	      sqrDist = s1*(s1 + a01*s2 + 2.0*b0) +
-		s2*(a01*s1 + s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	    else { // region 3 (side)
-	      s2 = halfLength2;
-	      tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	      if (tmpS0 < -halfLength1) {
-		s1 = -halfLength1;
-		sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		  s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	      }
-	      else if (tmpS0 <= halfLength1) {
-		s1 = tmpS0;
-		sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		s1 = halfLength1;
-		sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		  s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else { // region 7 (side)
-	    s2 = -halfLength2;
-	    tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	    if (tmpS0 < -halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = -halfLength1;
-	      sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    } else if (tmpS0 <= halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = tmpS0;
-	      sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    } else {
-	      s1 = halfLength1;
-	      sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	else {
-	  if (s2 >= -extDet1) {
-	    if (s2 <= extDet1) {  // region 1 (side)
-	      s1 = halfLength1;
-	      tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-	      if (tmpS1 < -halfLength2) {
-		s2 = -halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else if (tmpS1 <= halfLength2) {
-		s2 = tmpS1;
-		sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		s2 = halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    else { // region 2 (corner)
-	      s2 = halfLength2;
-	      tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	      if (tmpS0 < -halfLength1) {
-		s1 = -halfLength1;
-		sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		  s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	      }
-	      else if (tmpS0 <= halfLength1) {
-		s1 = tmpS0;
-		sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		s1 = halfLength1;
-		tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-		if (tmpS1 < -halfLength2) {
-		  s2 = -halfLength2;
-		  sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		    s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-		}
-		else if (tmpS1 <= halfLength2) {
-		  s2 = tmpS1;
-		  sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-		}
-		else {
-		  s2 = halfLength2;
-		  sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		    s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else {  // region 8 (corner)
-	    s2 = -halfLength2;
-	    tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	    if (tmpS0 < -halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = -halfLength1;
-	      sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	    else if (tmpS0 <= halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = tmpS0;
-	      sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      s1 = halfLength1;
-	      tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-	      if (tmpS1 > halfLength2) {
-		s2 = halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else if (tmpS1 >= -halfLength2) {
-		s2 = tmpS1;
-		sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		s2 = -halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if (s2 >= -extDet1) {
-	  if (s2 <= extDet1) { // region 5 (side)
-	    s1 = -halfLength1;
-	    tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-	    if (tmpS1 < -halfLength2) {
-	      s2 = -halfLength2;
-	      sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	    else if (tmpS1 <= halfLength2) {
-	      s2 = tmpS1;
-	      sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      s2 = halfLength2;
-	      sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else { // region 4 (corner)
-	    s2 = halfLength2;
-	    tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	    if (tmpS0 > halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = halfLength1;
-	      sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-		s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	    else if (tmpS0 >= -halfLength1) {
-	      s1 = tmpS0;
-	      sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      s1 = -halfLength1;
-	      tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-	      if (tmpS1 < -halfLength2) {
-		s2 = -halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else if (tmpS1 <= halfLength2) {
-		s2 = tmpS1;
-		sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		s2 = halfLength2;
-		sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		  s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	else {  // region 6 (corner)
-	  s2 = -halfLength2;
-	  tmpS0 = -(a01*s2 + b0);
-	  if (tmpS0 > halfLength1) {
-	    s1 = halfLength1;
-	    sqrDist = s1*(s1 - 2.0*tmpS0) +
-	      s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	  }
-	  else if (tmpS0 >= -halfLength1) {
-	    s1 = tmpS0;
-	    sqrDist = -s1*s1 + s2*(s2 + 2.0*b1) + c;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    s1 = -halfLength1;
-	    tmpS1 = -(a01*s1 + b1);
-	    if (tmpS1 < -halfLength2) {
-	      s2 = -halfLength2;
-	      sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	    else if (tmpS1 <= halfLength2) {
-	      s2 = tmpS1;
-	      sqrDist = -s2*s2 + s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      s2 = halfLength2;
-	      sqrDist = s2*(s2 - 2.0*tmpS1) +
-		s1*(s1 + 2.0*b0) + c;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
+    if (a <= EPSILON && e <= EPSILON)
+    {
+      // Check if the segments degenerate into points
+      s = t = 0.0;
+      FCL_REAL distance = (p1-p2).norm();
+      Vec3f normal = (p1 - p2) / distance;
+      distance = distance - (radius1 + radius2);
+      result.min_distance = distance;
+      if (request.enable_nearest_points)
+      {
+        result.nearest_points[0] = p1 - radius1 * normal;
+        result.nearest_points[1] = p2 + radius2 * normal;
+      return distance;
+    }
+    else if (a <= EPSILON)
+    {
+      // First segment is degenerated
+      s = 0.0;
+      t = CLAMP(f / e, 0.0, 1.0);
-    else {
-      // The segments are parallel.  The average b0 term is designed to
-      // ensure symmetry of the function.  That is, dist(seg0,seg1) and
-      // dist(seg1,seg0) should produce the same number.
-      FCL_REAL e0pe1 = halfLength1 + halfLength2;
-      FCL_REAL sign = (a01 > 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
-      FCL_REAL b0Avr = (0.5)*(b0 - sign*b1);
-      FCL_REAL lambda = -b0Avr;
-      if (lambda < -e0pe1) {
-	lambda = -e0pe1;
+    else if (e <= EPSILON)
+    {
+      // Second segment is degenerated
+      s = CLAMP(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
+      t = 0.0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Always non-negative, equal 0 if the segments are parallel
+      FCL_REAL denom = a*e-b*b;
+      if (denom != 0.0)
+      {
+        s = CLAMP((b*f-c*e) / denom, 0.0, 1.0);
-      else if (lambda > e0pe1) {
-	lambda = e0pe1;
+      else
+      {
+        s = 0.0;
-      s2 = -sign*lambda*halfLength2/e0pe1;
-      s1 = lambda + sign*s2;
-      sqrDist = lambda*(lambda + 2.0*b0Avr) + c;
+      t = (b*s + f) / e;
+      if (t < 0.0)
+      {
+        t = 0.0;
+        s = CLAMP(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
+      }
+      else if (t > 1.0)
+      {
+        t = 1.0;
+        s = CLAMP((b - c)/a, 0.0, 1.0);
+      }
-    Vec3f closestOnSegment1 = center1 + s1*direction1;
-    Vec3f closestOnSegment2 = center2 + s2*direction2;
+    // witness points achieving the distance between the two segments
+    const Vec3f& w1 = p1 + s * d1;
+    const Vec3f& w2 = p2 + t * d2;
+    FCL_REAL distance = (w1 - w2).norm();
+    Vec3f normal = (w1 - w2) / distance;
-    Vec3f unitVector = closestOnSegment2 - closestOnSegment1;
-    FCL_REAL distance = sqrt (sqrDist);
-    if (distance >= epsilon) {
-      unitVector /= distance;
-    } else {
-      unitVector.setZero ();
+    // capsule spcecific distance computation
+    distance = distance - (radius1 + radius2);
+    result.min_distance = distance;
+    // witness points for the capsules
+    if (request.enable_nearest_points)
+    {
+      result.nearest_points[0] = w1 - radius1 * normal;
+      result.nearest_points[1] = w2 + radius2 * normal;
-    // Update distance result.
-    result.min_distance = distance - c1->radius - c2->radius;
-    if (request.enable_nearest_points) {
-      result.nearest_points [0] = closestOnSegment1 + c1->radius * unitVector;
-      result.nearest_points [1] = closestOnSegment2 - c2->radius * unitVector;
-    }
-    result.o1 = o1;
-    result.o2 = o2;
-    result.b1 = -1;
-    result.b2 = -1;
-    return result.min_distance;
+    return distance;
   template <>
@@ -334,18 +158,22 @@ namespace fcl {
     FCL_REAL distance = ShapeShapeDistance <Capsule, Capsule>
       (o1, tf1, o2, tf2, unused, distanceRequest, distanceResult);
-    if (distance <= 0) {
-      Contact contact (o1, o2, distanceResult.b1, distanceResult.b2);
+    if (distance > 0)
+    {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      Contact contact (o1, o2, -1, -1);
       const Vec3f& p1 = distanceResult.nearest_points [0];
       const Vec3f& p2 = distanceResult.nearest_points [1];
-      contact.pos = .5*(p1+p2);
+      contact.pos = 0.5 * (p1+p2);
       contact.normal = (p2-p1)/(p2-p1).norm ();
-      result.addContact (contact);
+      result.addContact(contact);
       return 1;
-    result.distance_lower_bound = distance;
-    return 0;
 } // namespace fcl
 } // namespace hpp
diff --git a/test/capsule_capsule.cpp b/test/capsule_capsule.cpp
index 4aef9377712954b94d83e863dcf6a19a73e22143..d59784e5a4c8bfd5af06f82f19aae27624e97bb1 100644
--- a/test/capsule_capsule.cpp
+++ b/test/capsule_capsule.cpp
@@ -308,13 +308,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(distance_capsulecapsule_transformZ2)
   distance (&o1, &o2, distanceRequest, distanceResult);
   std::cerr << "Applied rotation and translation on two capsules" << std::endl;
-  std::cerr << "R1 = " << tf1.getRotation ()
-	    << ", T1 = " << tf1.getTranslation() << std::endl
-	    << "R2 = " << tf2.getRotation ()
-	    << ", T2 = " << tf2.getTranslation() << std::endl;
-  std::cerr << "Closest points: p1 = " << distanceResult.nearest_points [0]
-	    << ", p2 = " << distanceResult.nearest_points [1]
-	    << ", distance = " << distanceResult.min_distance << std::endl;
+  std::cerr << "R1 = " << tf1.getRotation () << std::endl
+            << "T1 = " << tf1.getTranslation().transpose() << std::endl
+            << "R2 = " << tf2.getRotation () << std::endl
+            << "T2 = " << tf2.getTranslation().transpose() << std::endl;
+  std::cerr << "Closest points:" << std::endl
+            << "p1 = " << distanceResult.nearest_points[0].transpose() << std::endl
+            << "p2 = " << distanceResult.nearest_points[1].transpose() << std::endl
+	    << "distance = " << distanceResult.min_distance << std::endl;
   const Vec3f& p1 = distanceResult.nearest_points [0];
   const Vec3f& p2 = distanceResult.nearest_points [1];